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t(F));for(K=0;K<B;K++)H=F.get(J[K]),H&&e.drawCircle(o+b.round((I[K]-this.minx)*(f/k)),n+b.round(g-g*((J[K]-this.miny)/l)),i,c,H).append()}i&&a.get("spotColor")&&J[m]!==null&&e.drawCircle(o+b.round((I[I.length-1]-this.minx)*(f/k)),n+b.round(g-g*((J[m]-this.miny)/l)),i,c,a.get("spotColor")).append(),this.maxy!==this.minyorg&&(i&&a.get("minSpotColor")&&(s=I[d.inArray(this.minyorg,J)],e.drawCircle(o+b.round((s-this.minx)*(f/k)),n+b.round(g-g*((this.minyorg-this.miny)/l)),i,c,a.get("minSpotColor")).append()),i&&a.get("maxSpotColor")&&(s=I[d.inArray(this.maxyorg,J)],e.drawCircle(o+b.round((s-this.minx)*(f/k)),n+b.round(g-g*((this.maxyorg-this.miny)/l)),i,c,a.get("maxSpotColor")).append())),this.lastShapeId=e.getLastShapeId(),this.canvasTop=n,e.render()}}),d.fn.sparkline.bar=y=g(d.fn.sparkline._base,w,{type:"bar",init:function(a,e,f,g,h){var j=parseInt(f.get("barWidth"),10),n=parseInt(f.get("barSpacing"),10),o=f.get("chartRangeMin"),p=f.get("chartRangeMax"),q=f.get("chartRangeClip"),r=Infinity,s=-Infinity,u,v,w,x,z,A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H,I,J,K,L,M,N,O,P,Q,R;y._super.init.call(this,a,e,f,g,h);for(A=0,B=e.length;A<B;A++){O=e[A],u=typeof O=="string"&&O.indexOf(":")>-1;if(u||d.isArray(O))J=!0,u&&(O=e[A]=l(O.split(":"))),O=m(O,null),v=b.min.apply(b,O),w=b.max.apply(b,O),v<r&&(r=v),w>s&&(s=w)}this.stacked=J,this.regionShapes={},this.barWidth=j,this.barSpacing=n,this.totalBarWidth=j+n,this.width=g=e.length*j+(e.length-1)*n,this.initTarget(),q&&(H=o===c?-Infinity:o,I=p===c?Infinity:p),z=[],x=J?[]:z;var S=[],T=[];for(A=0,B=e.length;A<B;A++)if(J){K=e[A],e[A]=N=[],S[A]=0,x[A]=T[A]=0;for(L=0,M=K.length;L<M;L++)O=N[L]=q?i(K[L],H,I):K[L],O!==null&&(O>0&&(S[A]+=O),r<0&&s>0?O<0?T[A]+=b.abs(O):x[A]+=O:x[A]+=b.abs(O-(O<0?s:r)),z.push(O))}else O=q?i(e[A],H,I):e[A],O=e[A]=k(O),O!==null&&z.push(O);this.max=G=b.max.apply(b,z),this.min=F=b.min.apply(b,z),this.stackMax=s=J?b.max.apply(b,S):G,this.stackMin=r=J?b.min.apply(b,z):F,f.get("chartRangeMin")!==c&&(f.get("chartRangeClip")||f.get("chartRangeMin")<F)&&(F=f.get("chartRangeMin")),f.get("chartRangeMax")!==c&&(f.get("chartRangeClip")||f.get("chartRangeMax")>G)&&(G=f.get("chartRangeMax")),this.zeroAxis=D=f.get("zeroAxis",!0),F<=0&&G>=0&&D?E=0:D==0?E=F:F>0?E=F:E=G,this.xaxisOffset=E,C=J?b.max.apply(b,x)+b.max.apply(b,T):G-F,this.canvasHeightEf=D&&F<0?this.canvasHeight-2:this.canvasHeight-1,F<E?(Q=J&&G>=0?s:G,P=(Q-E)/C*this.canvasHeight,P!==b.ceil(P)&&(this.canvasHeightEf-=2,P=b.ceil(P))):P=this.canvasHeight,this.yoffset=P,d.isArray(f.get("colorMap"))?(this.colorMapByIndex=f.get("colorMap"),this.colorMapByValue=null):(this.colorMapByIndex=null,this.colorMapByValue=f.get("colorMap"),this.colorMapByValue&&this.colorMapByValue.get===c&&(this.colorMapByValue=new t(this.colorMapByValue))),this.range=C},getRegion:function(a,d,e){var f=b.floor(d/this.totalBarWidth);return f<0||f>=this.values.length?c:f},getCurrentRegionFields:function(){var a=this.currentRegion,b=r(this.values[a]),c=[],d,e;for(e=b.length;e--;)d=b[e],c.push({isNull:d===null,value:d,color:this.calcColor(e,d,a),offset:a});return c},calcColor:function(a,b,e){var f=this.colorMapByIndex,g=this.colorMapByValue,h=this.options,i,j;return this.stacked?i=h.get("stackedBarColor"):i=b<0?h.get("negBarColor"):h.get("barColor"),b===0&&h.get("zeroColor")!==c&&(i=h.get("zeroColor")),g&&(j=g.get(b))?i=j:f&&f.length>e&&(i=f[e]),d.isArray(i)?i[a%i.length]:i},renderRegion:function(a,e){var f=this.values[a],g=this.options,h=this.xaxisOffset,i=[],j=this.range,k=this.stacked,l=this.target,m=a*this.totalBarWidth,n=this.canvasHeightEf,p=this.yoffset,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z;f=d.isArray(f)?f:[f],w=f.length,x=f[0],t=o(null,f),z=o(h,f,!0);if(t)return 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c&&(l=this.calcHighlightColor(l,e)),f.drawRect(j,k,this.barWidth-1,h-1,l,l)}}),d.fn.sparkline.discrete=A=g(d.fn.sparkline._base,w,{type:"discrete",init:function(a,e,f,g,h){A._super.init.call(this,a,e,f,g,h),this.regionShapes={},this.values=e=d.map(e,Number),this.min=b.min.apply(b,e),this.max=b.max.apply(b,e),this.range=this.max-this.min,this.width=g=f.get("width")==="auto"?e.length*2:this.width,this.interval=b.floor(g/e.length),this.itemWidth=g/e.length,f.get("chartRangeMin")!==c&&(f.get("chartRangeClip")||f.get("chartRangeMin")<this.min)&&(this.min=f.get("chartRangeMin")),f.get("chartRangeMax")!==c&&(f.get("chartRangeClip")||f.get("chartRangeMax")>this.max)&&(this.max=f.get("chartRangeMax")),this.initTarget(),this.target&&(this.lineHeight=f.get("lineHeight")==="auto"?b.round(this.canvasHeight*.3):f.get("lineHeight"))},getRegion:function(a,c,d){return b.floor(c/this.itemWidth)},getCurrentRegionFields:function(){var 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h,i,j;B._super.init.call(this,a,d,e,f,g),this.values=d=l(d),j=d.slice(),j[0]=j[0]===null?j[2]:j[0],j[1]=d[1]===null?j[2]:j[1],h=b.min.apply(b,d),i=b.max.apply(b,d),e.get("base")===c?h=h<0?h:0:h=e.get("base"),this.min=h,this.max=i,this.range=i-h,this.shapes={},this.valueShapes={},this.regiondata={},this.width=f=e.get("width")==="auto"?"4.0em":f,this.target=this.$el.simpledraw(f,g,e.get("composite")),d.length||(this.disabled=!0),this.initTarget()},getRegion:function(a,b,d){var e=this.target.getShapeAt(a,b,d);return e!==c&&this.shapes[e]!==c?this.shapes[e]:c},getCurrentRegionFields:function(){var a=this.currentRegion;return{fieldkey:a.substr(0,1),value:this.values[a.substr(1)],region:a}},changeHighlight:function(a){var b=this.currentRegion,c=this.valueShapes[b],d;delete this.shapes[c];switch(b.substr(0,1)){case"r":d=this.renderRange(b.substr(1),a);break;case"p":d=this.renderPerformance(a);break;case"t":d=this.renderTarget(a)}this.valueShapes[b]=d.id,this.shapes[d.id]=b,this.target.replaceWithShape(c,d)},renderRange:function(a,c){var d=this.values[a],e=b.round(this.canvasWidth*((d-this.min)/this.range)),f=this.options.get("rangeColors")[a-2];return c&&(f=this.calcHighlightColor(f,this.options)),this.target.drawRect(0,0,e-1,this.canvasHeight-1,f,f)},renderPerformance:function(a){var c=this.values[1],d=b.round(this.canvasWidth*((c-this.min)/this.range)),e=this.options.get("performanceColor");return a&&(e=this.calcHighlightColor(e,this.options)),this.target.drawRect(0,b.round(this.canvasHeight*.3),d-1,b.round(this.canvasHeight*.4)-1,e,e)},renderTarget:function(a){var 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h=0,i;C._super.init.call(this,a,c,e,f,g),this.shapes={},this.valueShapes={},this.values=c=d.map(c,Number),e.get("width")==="auto"&&(this.width=this.height);if(c.length>0)for(i=c.length;i--;)h+=c[i];this.total=h,this.initTarget(),this.radius=b.floor(b.min(this.canvasWidth,this.canvasHeight)/2)},getRegion:function(a,b,d){var e=this.target.getShapeAt(a,b,d);return e!==c&&this.shapes[e]!==c?this.shapes[e]:c},getCurrentRegionFields:function(){var a=this.currentRegion;return{isNull:this.values[a]===c,value:this.values[a],percent:this.values[a]/this.total*100,color:this.options.get("sliceColors")[a%this.options.get("sliceColors").length],offset:a}},changeHighlight:function(a){var b=this.currentRegion,c=this.renderSlice(b,a),d=this.valueShapes[b];delete this.shapes[d],this.target.replaceWithShape(d,c),this.valueShapes[b]=c.id,this.shapes[c.id]=b},renderSlice:function(a,d){var 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a=[{field:"lq",value:this.quartiles[0]},{field:"med",value:this.quartiles [1]},{field:"uq",value:this.quartiles[2]}];return this.loutlier!==c&&a.push({field:"lo",value:this.loutlier}),this.routlier!==c&&a.push({field:"ro",value:this.routlier}),this.lwhisker!==c&&a.push({field:"lw",value:this.lwhisker}),this.rwhisker!==c&&a.push({field:"rw",value:this.rwhisker}),a},render:function(){var a=this.target,d=this.values,e=d.length,f=this.options,g=this.canvasWidth,h=this.canvasHeight,i=f.get("chartRangeMin")===c?b.min.apply(b,d):f.get("chartRangeMin"),k=f.get("chartRangeMax")===c?b.max.apply(b,d):f.get("chartRangeMax"),l=0,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w;if(!D._super.render.call(this))return;if(f.get("raw"))f.get("showOutliers")&&d.length>5?(n=d[0],m=d[1],p=d[2],q=d[3],r=d[4],s=d[5],t=d[6]):(m=d[0],p=d[1],q=d[2],r=d[3],s=d[4]);else{d.sort(function(a,b){return a-b}),p=j(d,1),q=j(d,2),r=j(d,3),o=r-p;if(f.get("showOutliers")){m=s=c;for(u=0;u<e;u++)m===c&&d[u]>p-o*f.get("outlierIQR")&&(m=d[u]),d[u]<r+o*f.get("outlierIQR")&&(s=d[u]);n=d[0],t=d[e-1]}else m=d[0],s=d[e-1]}this.quartiles=[p,q,r],this.lwhisker=m,this.rwhisker=s,this.loutlier=n,this.routlier=t,w=g/(k-i+1),f.get("showOutliers")&&(l=b.ceil(f.get("spotRadius")),g-=2*b.ceil(f.get("spotRadius")),w=g/(k-i+1),n<m&&a.drawCircle((n-i)*w+l,h/2,f.get("spotRadius"),f.get("outlierLineColor"),f.get("outlierFillColor")).append(),t>s&&a.drawCircle((t-i)*w+l,h/2,f.get("spotRadius"),f.get("outlierLineColor"),f.get("outlierFillColor")).append()),a.drawRect(b.round((p-i)*w+l),b.round(h*.1),b.round((r-p)*w),b.round(h*.8),f.get("boxLineColor"),f.get("boxFillColor")).append(),a.drawLine(b.round((m-i)*w+l),b.round(h/2),b.round((p-i)*w+l),b.round(h/2),f.get("lineColor")).append(),a.drawLine(b.round((m-i)*w+l),b.round(h/4),b.round((m-i)*w+l),b.round(h-h/4),f.get("whiskerColor")).append(),a.drawLine(b.round((s-i)*w+l),b.round(h/2),b.round((r-i)*w+l),b.round(h/2),f.get("lineColor")).append(),a.drawLine(b.round((s-i)*w+l),b.round(h/4),b.round((s-i)*w+l),b.round(h-h/4),f.get("whiskerColor")).append(),a.drawLine(b.round((q-i)*w+l),b.round(h*.1),b.round((q-i)*w+l),b.round(h*.9),f.get("medianColor")).append(),f.get("target")&&(v=b.ceil(f.get("spotRadius")),a.drawLine(b.round((f.get("target")-i)*w+l),b.round(h/2-v),b.round((f.get("target")-i)*w+l),b.round(h/2+v),f.get("targetColor")).append(),a.drawLine(b.round((f.get("target")-i)*w+l-v),b.round(h/2),b.round((f.get("target")-i)*w+l+v),b.round(h/2),f.get("targetColor")).append()),a.render()}}),G=g({init:function(a,b,c,d){this.target=a,this.id=b,this.type=c,this.args=d},append:function(){return this.target.appendShape(this),this}}),H=g({_pxregex:/(\d+)(px)?\s*$/i,init:function(a,b,c){if(!a)return;this.width=a,this.height=b,this.target=c,this.lastShapeId=null,c[0]&&(c=c[0]),d.data(c,"_jqs_vcanvas",this)},drawLine:function(a,b,c,d,e,f){return this.drawShape([[a,b],[c,d]],e,f)},drawShape:function(a,b,c,d){return this._genShape("Shape",[a,b,c,d])},drawCircle:function(a,b,c,d,e,f){return this._genShape("Circle",[a,b,c,d,e,f])},drawPieSlice:function(a,b,c,d,e,f,g){return this._genShape("PieSlice",[a,b,c,d,e,f,g])},drawRect:function(a,b,c,d,e,f){return this._genShape("Rect",[a,b,c,d,e,f])},getElement:function(){return this.canvas},getLastShapeId:function(){return this.lastShapeId},reset:function(){alert("reset not implemented")},_insert:function(a,b){d(b).html(a)},_calculatePixelDims:function(a,b,c){var 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this.shapes[a.id]=a,this.shapeseq.push(a.id),this.lastShapeId=a.id,a.id},replaceWithShape:function(a,b){var c=this.shapeseq,d;this.shapes[b.id]=b;for(d=c.length;d--;)c[d]==a&&(c[d]=b.id);delete this.shapes[a]},replaceWithShapes:function(a,b){var c=this.shapeseq,d={},e,f,g;for(f=a.length;f--;)d[a[f]]=!0;for(f=c.length;f--;)e=c[f],d[e]&&(c.splice(f,1),delete this.shapes[e],g=f);for(f=b.length;f--;)c.splice(g,0,b[f].id),this.shapes[b[f].id]=b[f]},insertAfterShape:function(a,b){var c=this.shapeseq,d;for(d=c.length;d--;)if(c[d]===a){c.splice(d+1,0,b.id),this.shapes[b.id]=b;return}},removeShapeId:function(a){var b=this.shapeseq,c;for(c=b.length;c--;)if(b[c]===a){b.splice(c,1);break}delete this.shapes[a]},getShapeAt:function(a,b,c){return this.targetX=b,this.targetY=c,this.render(),this.currentTargetShapeId},render:function(){var a=this.shapeseq,b=this.shapes,c=a.length,d=this._getContext(),e,f,g;d.clearRect(0,0,this.pixelWidth,this.pixelHeight);for(g=0;g<c;g++)e=a[g],f=b[e],this["_draw"+f.type].apply(this,f.args);this.interact||(this.shapes={},this.shapeseq=[])}}),J=g(H,{init:function(b,c,e){var f;J._super.init.call(this,b,c,e),e[0]&&(e=e[0]),d.data(e,"_jqs_vcanvas",this),this.canvas=a.createElement("span"),d(this.canvas).css({display:"inline-block",position:"relative",overflow:"hidden",width:b,height:c,margin:"0px",padding:"0px",verticalAlign:"top"}),this._insert(this.canvas,e),this._calculatePixelDims(b,c,this.canvas),this.canvas.width=this.pixelWidth,this.canvas.height=this.pixelHeight,f='<v:group coordorigin="0 0" coordsize="'+this.pixelWidth+" "+this.pixelHeight+'"'+' 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jquery.sparkline.js 0000644 00000361066 14721160377 0010434 0 ustar 00 /** * * jquery.sparkline.js * * v2.1.2 * (c) Splunk, Inc * Contact: Gareth Watts (gareth@splunk.com) * http://omnipotent.net/jquery.sparkline/ * * Generates inline sparkline charts from data supplied either to the method * or inline in HTML * * Compatible with Internet Explorer 6.0+ and modern browsers equipped with the canvas tag * (Firefox 2.0+, Safari, Opera, etc) * * License: New BSD License * * Copyright (c) 2012, Splunk Inc. * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, * are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation * and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * Neither the name of Splunk Inc nor the names of its contributors may * be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without * specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY * EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES * OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT * SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, * SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT * OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) * HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, * OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS * SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. * * * Usage: * $(selector).sparkline(values, options) * * If values is undefined or set to 'html' then the data values are read from the specified tag: * <p>Sparkline: <span class="sparkline">1,4,6,6,8,5,3,5</span></p> * $('.sparkline').sparkline(); * There must be no spaces in the enclosed data set * * Otherwise values must be an array of numbers or null values * <p>Sparkline: <span id="sparkline1">This text replaced if the browser is compatible</span></p> * $('#sparkline1').sparkline([1,4,6,6,8,5,3,5]) * $('#sparkline2').sparkline([1,4,6,null,null,5,3,5]) * * Values can also be specified in an HTML comment, or as a values attribute: * <p>Sparkline: <span class="sparkline"><!--1,4,6,6,8,5,3,5 --></span></p> * <p>Sparkline: <span class="sparkline" values="1,4,6,6,8,5,3,5"></span></p> * $('.sparkline').sparkline(); * * For line charts, x values can also be specified: * <p>Sparkline: <span class="sparkline">1:1,2.7:4,3.4:6,5:6,6:8,8.7:5,9:3,10:5</span></p> * $('#sparkline1').sparkline([ [1,1], [2.7,4], [3.4,6], [5,6], [6,8], [8.7,5], [9,3], [10,5] ]) * * By default, options should be passed in as teh second argument to the sparkline function: * $('.sparkline').sparkline([1,2,3,4], {type: 'bar'}) * * Options can also be set by passing them on the tag itself. This feature is disabled by default though * as there's a slight performance overhead: * $('.sparkline').sparkline([1,2,3,4], {enableTagOptions: true}) * <p>Sparkline: <span class="sparkline" sparkType="bar" sparkBarColor="red">loading</span></p> * Prefix all options supplied as tag attribute with "spark" (configurable by setting tagOptionPrefix) * * Supported options: * lineColor - Color of the line used for the chart * fillColor - Color used to fill in the chart - Set to '' or false for a transparent chart * width - Width of the chart - Defaults to 3 times the number of values in pixels * height - Height of the chart - Defaults to the height of the containing element * chartRangeMin - Specify the minimum value to use for the Y range of the chart - Defaults to the minimum value supplied * chartRangeMax - Specify the maximum value to use for the Y range of the chart - Defaults to the maximum value supplied * chartRangeClip - Clip out of range values to the max/min specified by chartRangeMin and chartRangeMax * chartRangeMinX - Specify the minimum value to use for the X range of the chart - Defaults to the minimum value supplied * chartRangeMaxX - Specify the maximum value to use for the X range of the chart - Defaults to the maximum value supplied * composite - If true then don't erase any existing chart attached to the tag, but draw * another chart over the top - Note that width and height are ignored if an * existing chart is detected. * tagValuesAttribute - Name of tag attribute to check for data values - Defaults to 'values' * enableTagOptions - Whether to check tags for sparkline options * tagOptionPrefix - Prefix used for options supplied as tag attributes - Defaults to 'spark' * disableHiddenCheck - If set to true, then the plugin will assume that charts will never be drawn into a * hidden dom element, avoding a browser reflow * disableInteraction - If set to true then all mouseover/click interaction behaviour will be disabled, * making the plugin perform much like it did in 1.x * disableTooltips - If set to true then tooltips will be disabled - Defaults to false (tooltips enabled) * disableHighlight - If set to true then highlighting of selected chart elements on mouseover will be disabled * defaults to false (highlights enabled) * highlightLighten - Factor to lighten/darken highlighted chart values by - Defaults to 1.4 for a 40% increase * tooltipContainer - Specify which DOM element the tooltip should be rendered into - defaults to document.body * tooltipClassname - Optional CSS classname to apply to tooltips - If not specified then a default style will be applied * tooltipOffsetX - How many pixels away from the mouse pointer to render the tooltip on the X axis * tooltipOffsetY - How many pixels away from the mouse pointer to render the tooltip on the r axis * tooltipFormatter - Optional callback that allows you to override the HTML displayed in the tooltip * callback is given arguments of (sparkline, options, fields) * tooltipChartTitle - If specified then the tooltip uses the string specified by this setting as a title * tooltipFormat - A format string or SPFormat object (or an array thereof for multiple entries) * to control the format of the tooltip * tooltipPrefix - A string to prepend to each field displayed in a tooltip * tooltipSuffix - A string to append to each field displayed in a tooltip * tooltipSkipNull - If true then null values will not have a tooltip displayed (defaults to true) * tooltipValueLookups - An object or range map to map field values to tooltip strings * (eg. to map -1 to "Lost", 0 to "Draw", and 1 to "Win") * numberFormatter - Optional callback for formatting numbers in tooltips * numberDigitGroupSep - Character to use for group separator in numbers "1,234" - Defaults to "," * numberDecimalMark - Character to use for the decimal point when formatting numbers - Defaults to "." * numberDigitGroupCount - Number of digits between group separator - Defaults to 3 * * There are 7 types of sparkline, selected by supplying a "type" option of 'line' (default), * 'bar', 'tristate', 'bullet', 'discrete', 'pie' or 'box' * line - Line chart. Options: * spotColor - Set to '' to not end each line in a circular spot * minSpotColor - If set, color of spot at minimum value * maxSpotColor - If set, color of spot at maximum value * spotRadius - Radius in pixels * lineWidth - Width of line in pixels * normalRangeMin * normalRangeMax - If set draws a filled horizontal bar between these two values marking the "normal" * or expected range of values * normalRangeColor - Color to use for the above bar * drawNormalOnTop - Draw the normal range above the chart fill color if true * defaultPixelsPerValue - Defaults to 3 pixels of width for each value in the chart * highlightSpotColor - The color to use for drawing a highlight spot on mouseover - Set to null to disable * highlightLineColor - The color to use for drawing a highlight line on mouseover - Set to null to disable * valueSpots - Specify which points to draw spots on, and in which color. Accepts a range map * * bar - Bar chart. Options: * barColor - Color of bars for postive values * negBarColor - Color of bars for negative values * zeroColor - Color of bars with zero values * nullColor - Color of bars with null values - Defaults to omitting the bar entirely * barWidth - Width of bars in pixels * colorMap - Optional mappnig of values to colors to override the *BarColor values above * can be an Array of values to control the color of individual bars or a range map * to specify colors for individual ranges of values * barSpacing - Gap between bars in pixels * zeroAxis - Centers the y-axis around zero if true * * tristate - Charts values of win (>0), lose (<0) or draw (=0) * posBarColor - Color of win values * negBarColor - Color of lose values * zeroBarColor - Color of draw values * barWidth - Width of bars in pixels * barSpacing - Gap between bars in pixels * colorMap - Optional mappnig of values to colors to override the *BarColor values above * can be an Array of values to control the color of individual bars or a range map * to specify colors for individual ranges of values * * discrete - Options: * lineHeight - Height of each line in pixels - Defaults to 30% of the graph height * thesholdValue - Values less than this value will be drawn using thresholdColor instead of lineColor * thresholdColor * * bullet - Values for bullet graphs msut be in the order: target, performance, range1, range2, range3, ... * options: * targetColor - The color of the vertical target marker * targetWidth - The width of the target marker in pixels * performanceColor - The color of the performance measure horizontal bar * rangeColors - Colors to use for each qualitative range background color * * pie - Pie chart. Options: * sliceColors - An array of colors to use for pie slices * offset - Angle in degrees to offset the first slice - Try -90 or +90 * borderWidth - Width of border to draw around the pie chart, in pixels - Defaults to 0 (no border) * borderColor - Color to use for the pie chart border - Defaults to #000 * * box - Box plot. Options: * raw - Set to true to supply pre-computed plot points as values * values should be: low_outlier, low_whisker, q1, median, q3, high_whisker, high_outlier * When set to false you can supply any number of values and the box plot will * be computed for you. Default is false. * showOutliers - Set to true (default) to display outliers as circles * outlierIQR - Interquartile range used to determine outliers. Default 1.5 * boxLineColor - Outline color of the box * boxFillColor - Fill color for the box * whiskerColor - Line color used for whiskers * outlierLineColor - Outline color of outlier circles * outlierFillColor - Fill color of the outlier circles * spotRadius - Radius of outlier circles * medianColor - Line color of the median line * target - Draw a target cross hair at the supplied value (default undefined) * * * * Examples: * $('#sparkline1').sparkline(myvalues, { lineColor: '#f00', fillColor: false }); * $('.barsparks').sparkline('html', { type:'bar', height:'40px', barWidth:5 }); * $('#tristate').sparkline([1,1,-1,1,0,0,-1], { type:'tristate' }): * $('#discrete').sparkline([1,3,4,5,5,3,4,5], { type:'discrete' }); * $('#bullet').sparkline([10,12,12,9,7], { type:'bullet' }); * $('#pie').sparkline([1,1,2], { type:'pie' }); */ /*jslint regexp: true, browser: true, jquery: true, white: true, nomen: false, plusplus: false, maxerr: 500, indent: 4 */ (function(document, Math, undefined) { // performance/minified-size optimization (function(factory) { if(typeof define === 'function' && define.amd) { define(['jquery'], factory); } else if (jQuery && !jQuery.fn.sparkline) { factory(jQuery); } } (function($) { 'use strict'; var UNSET_OPTION = {}, getDefaults, createClass, SPFormat, clipval, quartile, normalizeValue, normalizeValues, remove, isNumber, all, sum, addCSS, ensureArray, formatNumber, RangeMap, MouseHandler, Tooltip, barHighlightMixin, line, bar, tristate, discrete, bullet, pie, box, defaultStyles, initStyles, VShape, VCanvas_base, VCanvas_canvas, VCanvas_vml, pending, shapeCount = 0; /** * Default configuration settings */ getDefaults = function () { return { // Settings common to most/all chart types common: { type: 'line', lineColor: '#00f', fillColor: '#cdf', defaultPixelsPerValue: 3, width: 'auto', height: 'auto', composite: false, tagValuesAttribute: 'values', tagOptionsPrefix: 'spark', enableTagOptions: false, enableHighlight: true, highlightLighten: 1.4, tooltipSkipNull: true, tooltipPrefix: '', tooltipSuffix: '', disableHiddenCheck: false, numberFormatter: false, numberDigitGroupCount: 3, numberDigitGroupSep: ',', numberDecimalMark: '.', disableTooltips: false, disableInteraction: false }, // Defaults for line charts line: { spotColor: '#f80', highlightSpotColor: '#5f5', highlightLineColor: '#f22', spotRadius: 1.5, minSpotColor: '#f80', maxSpotColor: '#f80', lineWidth: 1, normalRangeMin: undefined, normalRangeMax: undefined, normalRangeColor: '#ccc', drawNormalOnTop: false, chartRangeMin: undefined, chartRangeMax: undefined, chartRangeMinX: undefined, chartRangeMaxX: undefined, tooltipFormat: new SPFormat('<span style="color: {{color}}">●</span> {{prefix}}{{y}}{{suffix}}') }, // Defaults for bar charts bar: { barColor: '#3366cc', negBarColor: '#f44', stackedBarColor: ['#3366cc', '#dc3912', '#ff9900', '#109618', '#66aa00', '#dd4477', '#0099c6', '#990099'], zeroColor: undefined, nullColor: undefined, zeroAxis: true, barWidth: 4, barSpacing: 1, chartRangeMax: undefined, chartRangeMin: undefined, chartRangeClip: false, colorMap: undefined, tooltipFormat: new SPFormat('<span style="color: {{color}}">●</span> {{prefix}}{{value}}{{suffix}}') }, // Defaults for tristate charts tristate: { barWidth: 4, barSpacing: 1, posBarColor: '#6f6', negBarColor: '#f44', zeroBarColor: '#999', colorMap: {}, tooltipFormat: new SPFormat('<span style="color: {{color}}">●</span> {{value:map}}'), tooltipValueLookups: { map: { '-1': 'Loss', '0': 'Draw', '1': 'Win' } } }, // Defaults for discrete charts discrete: { lineHeight: 'auto', thresholdColor: undefined, thresholdValue: 0, chartRangeMax: undefined, chartRangeMin: undefined, chartRangeClip: false, tooltipFormat: new SPFormat('{{prefix}}{{value}}{{suffix}}') }, // Defaults for bullet charts bullet: { targetColor: '#f33', targetWidth: 3, // width of the target bar in pixels performanceColor: '#33f', rangeColors: ['#d3dafe', '#a8b6ff', '#7f94ff'], base: undefined, // set this to a number to change the base start number tooltipFormat: new SPFormat('{{fieldkey:fields}} - {{value}}'), tooltipValueLookups: { fields: {r: 'Range', p: 'Performance', t: 'Target'} } }, // Defaults for pie charts pie: { offset: 0, sliceColors: ['#3366cc', '#dc3912', '#ff9900', '#109618', '#66aa00', '#dd4477', '#0099c6', '#990099'], borderWidth: 0, borderColor: '#000', tooltipFormat: new SPFormat('<span style="color: {{color}}">●</span> {{value}} ({{percent.1}}%)') }, // Defaults for box plots box: { raw: false, boxLineColor: '#000', boxFillColor: '#cdf', whiskerColor: '#000', outlierLineColor: '#333', outlierFillColor: '#fff', medianColor: '#f00', showOutliers: true, outlierIQR: 1.5, spotRadius: 1.5, target: undefined, targetColor: '#4a2', chartRangeMax: undefined, chartRangeMin: undefined, tooltipFormat: new SPFormat('{{field:fields}}: {{value}}'), tooltipFormatFieldlistKey: 'field', tooltipValueLookups: { fields: { lq: 'Lower Quartile', med: 'Median', uq: 'Upper Quartile', lo: 'Left Outlier', ro: 'Right Outlier', lw: 'Left Whisker', rw: 'Right Whisker'} } } }; }; // You can have tooltips use a css class other than jqstooltip by specifying tooltipClassname defaultStyles = '.jqstooltip { ' + 'position: absolute;' + 'left: 0px;' + 'top: 0px;' + 'visibility: hidden;' + 'background: rgb(0, 0, 0) transparent;' + 'background-color: rgba(0,0,0,0.6);' + 'filter:progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.gradient(startColorstr=#99000000, endColorstr=#99000000);' + '-ms-filter: "progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.gradient(startColorstr=#99000000, endColorstr=#99000000)";' + 'color: white;' + 'font: 10px arial, san serif;' + 'text-align: left;' + 'white-space: nowrap;' + 'padding: 5px;' + 'border: 1px solid white;' + 'z-index: 10000;' + '}' + '.jqsfield { ' + 'color: white;' + 'font: 10px arial, san serif;' + 'text-align: left;' + '}'; /** * Utilities */ createClass = function (/* [baseclass, [mixin, ...]], definition */) { var Class, args; Class = function () { this.init.apply(this, arguments); }; if (arguments.length > 1) { if (arguments[0]) { Class.prototype = $.extend(new arguments[0](), arguments[arguments.length - 1]); Class._super = arguments[0].prototype; } else { Class.prototype = arguments[arguments.length - 1]; } if (arguments.length > 2) { args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 1, -1); args.unshift(Class.prototype); $.extend.apply($, args); } } else { Class.prototype = arguments[0]; } Class.prototype.cls = Class; return Class; }; /** * Wraps a format string for tooltips * {{x}} * {{x.2} * {{x:months}} */ $.SPFormatClass = SPFormat = createClass({ fre: /\{\{([\w.]+?)(:(.+?))?\}\}/g, precre: /(\w+)\.(\d+)/, init: function (format, fclass) { this.format = format; this.fclass = fclass; }, render: function (fieldset, lookups, options) { var self = this, fields = fieldset, match, token, lookupkey, fieldvalue, prec; return this.format.replace(this.fre, function () { var lookup; token = arguments[1]; lookupkey = arguments[3]; match = self.precre.exec(token); if (match) { prec = match[2]; token = match[1]; } else { prec = false; } fieldvalue = fields[token]; if (fieldvalue === undefined) { return ''; } if (lookupkey && lookups && lookups[lookupkey]) { lookup = lookups[lookupkey]; if (lookup.get) { // RangeMap return lookups[lookupkey].get(fieldvalue) || fieldvalue; } else { return lookups[lookupkey][fieldvalue] || fieldvalue; } } if (isNumber(fieldvalue)) { if (options.get('numberFormatter')) { fieldvalue = options.get('numberFormatter')(fieldvalue); } else { fieldvalue = formatNumber(fieldvalue, prec, options.get('numberDigitGroupCount'), options.get('numberDigitGroupSep'), options.get('numberDecimalMark')); } } return fieldvalue; }); } }); // convience method to avoid needing the new operator $.spformat = function(format, fclass) { return new SPFormat(format, fclass); }; clipval = function (val, min, max) { if (val < min) { return min; } if (val > max) { return max; } return val; }; quartile = function (values, q) { var vl; if (q === 2) { vl = Math.floor(values.length / 2); return values.length % 2 ? values[vl] : (values[vl-1] + values[vl]) / 2; } else { if (values.length % 2 ) { // odd vl = (values.length * q + q) / 4; return vl % 1 ? (values[Math.floor(vl)] + values[Math.floor(vl) - 1]) / 2 : values[vl-1]; } else { //even vl = (values.length * q + 2) / 4; return vl % 1 ? (values[Math.floor(vl)] + values[Math.floor(vl) - 1]) / 2 : values[vl-1]; } } }; normalizeValue = function (val) { var nf; switch (val) { case 'undefined': val = undefined; break; case 'null': val = null; break; case 'true': val = true; break; case 'false': val = false; break; default: nf = parseFloat(val); if (val == nf) { val = nf; } } return val; }; normalizeValues = function (vals) { var i, result = []; for (i = vals.length; i--;) { result[i] = normalizeValue(vals[i]); } return result; }; remove = function (vals, filter) { var i, vl, result = []; for (i = 0, vl = vals.length; i < vl; i++) { if (vals[i] !== filter) { result.push(vals[i]); } } return result; }; isNumber = function (num) { return !isNaN(parseFloat(num)) && isFinite(num); }; formatNumber = function (num, prec, groupsize, groupsep, decsep) { var p, i; num = (prec === false ? parseFloat(num).toString() : num.toFixed(prec)).split(''); p = (p = $.inArray('.', num)) < 0 ? num.length : p; if (p < num.length) { num[p] = decsep; } for (i = p - groupsize; i > 0; i -= groupsize) { num.splice(i, 0, groupsep); } return num.join(''); }; // determine if all values of an array match a value // returns true if the array is empty all = function (val, arr, ignoreNull) { var i; for (i = arr.length; i--; ) { if (ignoreNull && arr[i] === null) continue; if (arr[i] !== val) { return false; } } return true; }; // sums the numeric values in an array, ignoring other values sum = function (vals) { var total = 0, i; for (i = vals.length; i--;) { total += typeof vals[i] === 'number' ? vals[i] : 0; } return total; }; ensureArray = function (val) { return $.isArray(val) ? val : [val]; }; // http://paulirish.com/2008/bookmarklet-inject-new-css-rules/ addCSS = function(css) { var tag; //if ('\v' == 'v') /* ie only */ { if (document.createStyleSheet) { document.createStyleSheet().cssText = css; } else { tag = document.createElement('style'); tag.type = 'text/css'; document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0].appendChild(tag); tag[(typeof document.body.style.WebkitAppearance == 'string') /* webkit only */ ? 'innerText' : 'innerHTML'] = css; } }; // Provide a cross-browser interface to a few simple drawing primitives $.fn.simpledraw = function (width, height, useExisting, interact) { var target, mhandler; if (useExisting && (target = this.data('_jqs_vcanvas'))) { return target; } if ($.fn.sparkline.canvas === false) { // We've already determined that neither Canvas nor VML are available return false; } else if ($.fn.sparkline.canvas === undefined) { // No function defined yet -- need to see if we support Canvas or VML var el = document.createElement('canvas'); if (!!(el.getContext && el.getContext('2d'))) { // Canvas is available $.fn.sparkline.canvas = function(width, height, target, interact) { return new VCanvas_canvas(width, height, target, interact); }; } else if (document.namespaces && !document.namespaces.v) { // VML is available document.namespaces.add('v', 'urn:schemas-microsoft-com:vml', '#default#VML'); $.fn.sparkline.canvas = function(width, height, target, interact) { return new VCanvas_vml(width, height, target); }; } else { // Neither Canvas nor VML are available $.fn.sparkline.canvas = false; return false; } } if (width === undefined) { width = $(this).innerWidth(); } if (height === undefined) { height = $(this).innerHeight(); } target = $.fn.sparkline.canvas(width, height, this, interact); mhandler = $(this).data('_jqs_mhandler'); if (mhandler) { mhandler.registerCanvas(target); } return target; }; $.fn.cleardraw = function () { var target = this.data('_jqs_vcanvas'); if (target) { target.reset(); } }; $.RangeMapClass = RangeMap = createClass({ init: function (map) { var key, range, rangelist = []; for (key in map) { if (map.hasOwnProperty(key) && typeof key === 'string' && key.indexOf(':') > -1) { range = key.split(':'); range[0] = range[0].length === 0 ? -Infinity : parseFloat(range[0]); range[1] = range[1].length === 0 ? Infinity : parseFloat(range[1]); range[2] = map[key]; rangelist.push(range); } } this.map = map; this.rangelist = rangelist || false; }, get: function (value) { var rangelist = this.rangelist, i, range, result; if ((result = this.map[value]) !== undefined) { return result; } if (rangelist) { for (i = rangelist.length; i--;) { range = rangelist[i]; if (range[0] <= value && range[1] >= value) { return range[2]; } } } return undefined; } }); // Convenience function $.range_map = function(map) { return new RangeMap(map); }; MouseHandler = createClass({ init: function (el, options) { var $el = $(el); this.$el = $el; this.options = options; this.currentPageX = 0; this.currentPageY = 0; this.el = el; this.splist = []; this.tooltip = null; this.over = false; this.displayTooltips = !options.get('disableTooltips'); this.highlightEnabled = !options.get('disableHighlight'); }, registerSparkline: function (sp) { this.splist.push(sp); if (this.over) { this.updateDisplay(); } }, registerCanvas: function (canvas) { var $canvas = $(canvas.canvas); this.canvas = canvas; this.$canvas = $canvas; $canvas.mouseenter($.proxy(this.mouseenter, this)); $canvas.mouseleave($.proxy(this.mouseleave, this)); $canvas.click($.proxy(this.mouseclick, this)); }, reset: function (removeTooltip) { this.splist = []; if (this.tooltip && removeTooltip) { this.tooltip.remove(); this.tooltip = undefined; } }, mouseclick: function (e) { var clickEvent = $.Event('sparklineClick'); clickEvent.originalEvent = e; clickEvent.sparklines = this.splist; this.$el.trigger(clickEvent); }, mouseenter: function (e) { $(document.body).unbind('mousemove.jqs'); $(document.body).bind('mousemove.jqs', $.proxy(this.mousemove, this)); this.over = true; this.currentPageX = e.pageX; this.currentPageY = e.pageY; this.currentEl = e.target; if (!this.tooltip && this.displayTooltips) { this.tooltip = new Tooltip(this.options); this.tooltip.updatePosition(e.pageX, e.pageY); } this.updateDisplay(); }, mouseleave: function () { $(document.body).unbind('mousemove.jqs'); var splist = this.splist, spcount = splist.length, needsRefresh = false, sp, i; this.over = false; this.currentEl = null; if (this.tooltip) { this.tooltip.remove(); this.tooltip = null; } for (i = 0; i < spcount; i++) { sp = splist[i]; if (sp.clearRegionHighlight()) { needsRefresh = true; } } if (needsRefresh) { this.canvas.render(); } }, mousemove: function (e) { this.currentPageX = e.pageX; this.currentPageY = e.pageY; this.currentEl = e.target; if (this.tooltip) { this.tooltip.updatePosition(e.pageX, e.pageY); } this.updateDisplay(); }, updateDisplay: function () { var splist = this.splist, spcount = splist.length, needsRefresh = false, offset = this.$canvas.offset(), localX = this.currentPageX - offset.left, localY = this.currentPageY - offset.top, tooltiphtml, sp, i, result, changeEvent; if (!this.over) { return; } for (i = 0; i < spcount; i++) { sp = splist[i]; result = sp.setRegionHighlight(this.currentEl, localX, localY); if (result) { needsRefresh = true; } } if (needsRefresh) { changeEvent = $.Event('sparklineRegionChange'); changeEvent.sparklines = this.splist; this.$el.trigger(changeEvent); if (this.tooltip) { tooltiphtml = ''; for (i = 0; i < spcount; i++) { sp = splist[i]; tooltiphtml += sp.getCurrentRegionTooltip(); } this.tooltip.setContent(tooltiphtml); } if (!this.disableHighlight) { this.canvas.render(); } } if (result === null) { this.mouseleave(); } } }); Tooltip = createClass({ sizeStyle: 'position: static !important;' + 'display: block !important;' + 'visibility: hidden !important;' + 'float: left !important;', init: function (options) { var tooltipClassname = options.get('tooltipClassname', 'jqstooltip'), sizetipStyle = this.sizeStyle, offset; this.container = options.get('tooltipContainer') || document.body; this.tooltipOffsetX = options.get('tooltipOffsetX', 10); this.tooltipOffsetY = options.get('tooltipOffsetY', 12); // remove any previous lingering tooltip $('#jqssizetip').remove(); $('#jqstooltip').remove(); this.sizetip = $('<div/>', { id: 'jqssizetip', style: sizetipStyle, 'class': tooltipClassname }); this.tooltip = $('<div/>', { id: 'jqstooltip', 'class': tooltipClassname }).appendTo(this.container); // account for the container's location offset = this.tooltip.offset(); this.offsetLeft = offset.left; this.offsetTop = offset.top; this.hidden = true; $(window).unbind('resize.jqs scroll.jqs'); $(window).bind('resize.jqs scroll.jqs', $.proxy(this.updateWindowDims, this)); this.updateWindowDims(); }, updateWindowDims: function () { this.scrollTop = $(window).scrollTop(); this.scrollLeft = $(window).scrollLeft(); this.scrollRight = this.scrollLeft + $(window).width(); this.updatePosition(); }, getSize: function (content) { this.sizetip.html(content).appendTo(this.container); this.width = this.sizetip.width() + 1; this.height = this.sizetip.height(); this.sizetip.remove(); }, setContent: function (content) { if (!content) { this.tooltip.css('visibility', 'hidden'); this.hidden = true; return; } this.getSize(content); this.tooltip.html(content) .css({ 'width': this.width, 'height': this.height, 'visibility': 'visible' }); if (this.hidden) { this.hidden = false; this.updatePosition(); } }, updatePosition: function (x, y) { if (x === undefined) { if (this.mousex === undefined) { return; } x = this.mousex - this.offsetLeft; y = this.mousey - this.offsetTop; } else { this.mousex = x = x - this.offsetLeft; this.mousey = y = y - this.offsetTop; } if (!this.height || !this.width || this.hidden) { return; } y -= this.height + this.tooltipOffsetY; x += this.tooltipOffsetX; if (y < this.scrollTop) { y = this.scrollTop; } if (x < this.scrollLeft) { x = this.scrollLeft; } else if (x + this.width > this.scrollRight) { x = this.scrollRight - this.width; } this.tooltip.css({ 'left': x, 'top': y }); }, remove: function () { this.tooltip.remove(); this.sizetip.remove(); this.sizetip = this.tooltip = undefined; $(window).unbind('resize.jqs scroll.jqs'); } }); initStyles = function() { addCSS(defaultStyles); }; $(initStyles); pending = []; $.fn.sparkline = function (userValues, userOptions) { return this.each(function () { var options = new $.fn.sparkline.options(this, userOptions), $this = $(this), render, i; render = function () { var values, width, height, tmp, mhandler, sp, vals; if (userValues === 'html' || userValues === undefined) { vals = this.getAttribute(options.get('tagValuesAttribute')); if (vals === undefined || vals === null) { vals = $this.html(); } values = vals.replace(/(^\s*<!--)|(-->\s*$)|\s+/g, '').split(','); } else { values = userValues; } width = options.get('width') === 'auto' ? values.length * options.get('defaultPixelsPerValue') : options.get('width'); if (options.get('height') === 'auto') { if (!options.get('composite') || !$.data(this, '_jqs_vcanvas')) { // must be a better way to get the line height tmp = document.createElement('span'); tmp.innerHTML = 'a'; $this.html(tmp); height = $(tmp).innerHeight() || $(tmp).height(); $(tmp).remove(); tmp = null; } } else { height = options.get('height'); } if (!options.get('disableInteraction')) { mhandler = $.data(this, '_jqs_mhandler'); if (!mhandler) { mhandler = new MouseHandler(this, options); $.data(this, '_jqs_mhandler', mhandler); } else if (!options.get('composite')) { mhandler.reset(); } } else { mhandler = false; } if (options.get('composite') && !$.data(this, '_jqs_vcanvas')) { if (!$.data(this, '_jqs_errnotify')) { alert('Attempted to attach a composite sparkline to an element with no existing sparkline'); $.data(this, '_jqs_errnotify', true); } return; } sp = new $.fn.sparkline[options.get('type')](this, values, options, width, height); sp.render(); if (mhandler) { mhandler.registerSparkline(sp); } }; if (($(this).html() && !options.get('disableHiddenCheck') && $(this).is(':hidden')) || !$(this).parents('body').length) { if (!options.get('composite') && $.data(this, '_jqs_pending')) { // remove any existing references to the element for (i = pending.length; i; i--) { if (pending[i - 1][0] == this) { pending.splice(i - 1, 1); } } } pending.push([this, render]); $.data(this, '_jqs_pending', true); } else { render.call(this); } }); }; $.fn.sparkline.defaults = getDefaults(); $.sparkline_display_visible = function () { var el, i, pl; var done = []; for (i = 0, pl = pending.length; i < pl; i++) { el = pending[i][0]; if ($(el).is(':visible') && !$(el).parents().is(':hidden')) { pending[i][1].call(el); $.data(pending[i][0], '_jqs_pending', false); done.push(i); } else if (!$(el).closest('html').length && !$.data(el, '_jqs_pending')) { // element has been inserted and removed from the DOM // If it was not yet inserted into the dom then the .data request // will return true. // removing from the dom causes the data to be removed. $.data(pending[i][0], '_jqs_pending', false); done.push(i); } } for (i = done.length; i; i--) { pending.splice(done[i - 1], 1); } }; /** * User option handler */ $.fn.sparkline.options = createClass({ init: function (tag, userOptions) { var extendedOptions, defaults, base, tagOptionType; this.userOptions = userOptions = userOptions || {}; this.tag = tag; this.tagValCache = {}; defaults = $.fn.sparkline.defaults; base = defaults.common; this.tagOptionsPrefix = userOptions.enableTagOptions && (userOptions.tagOptionsPrefix || base.tagOptionsPrefix); tagOptionType = this.getTagSetting('type'); if (tagOptionType === UNSET_OPTION) { extendedOptions = defaults[userOptions.type || base.type]; } else { extendedOptions = defaults[tagOptionType]; } this.mergedOptions = $.extend({}, base, extendedOptions, userOptions); }, getTagSetting: function (key) { var prefix = this.tagOptionsPrefix, val, i, pairs, keyval; if (prefix === false || prefix === undefined) { return UNSET_OPTION; } if (this.tagValCache.hasOwnProperty(key)) { val = this.tagValCache.key; } else { val = this.tag.getAttribute(prefix + key); if (val === undefined || val === null) { val = UNSET_OPTION; } else if (val.substr(0, 1) === '[') { val = val.substr(1, val.length - 2).split(','); for (i = val.length; i--;) { val[i] = normalizeValue(val[i].replace(/(^\s*)|(\s*$)/g, '')); } } else if (val.substr(0, 1) === '{') { pairs = val.substr(1, val.length - 2).split(','); val = {}; for (i = pairs.length; i--;) { keyval = pairs[i].split(':', 2); val[keyval[0].replace(/(^\s*)|(\s*$)/g, '')] = normalizeValue(keyval[1].replace(/(^\s*)|(\s*$)/g, '')); } } else { val = normalizeValue(val); } this.tagValCache.key = val; } return val; }, get: function (key, defaultval) { var tagOption = this.getTagSetting(key), result; if (tagOption !== UNSET_OPTION) { return tagOption; } return (result = this.mergedOptions[key]) === undefined ? defaultval : result; } }); $.fn.sparkline._base = createClass({ disabled: false, init: function (el, values, options, width, height) { this.el = el; this.$el = $(el); this.values = values; this.options = options; this.width = width; this.height = height; this.currentRegion = undefined; }, /** * Setup the canvas */ initTarget: function () { var interactive = !this.options.get('disableInteraction'); if (!(this.target = this.$el.simpledraw(this.width, this.height, this.options.get('composite'), interactive))) { this.disabled = true; } else { this.canvasWidth = this.target.pixelWidth; this.canvasHeight = this.target.pixelHeight; } }, /** * Actually render the chart to the canvas */ render: function () { if (this.disabled) { this.el.innerHTML = ''; return false; } return true; }, /** * Return a region id for a given x/y co-ordinate */ getRegion: function (x, y) { }, /** * Highlight an item based on the moused-over x,y co-ordinate */ setRegionHighlight: function (el, x, y) { var currentRegion = this.currentRegion, highlightEnabled = !this.options.get('disableHighlight'), newRegion; if (x > this.canvasWidth || y > this.canvasHeight || x < 0 || y < 0) { return null; } newRegion = this.getRegion(el, x, y); if (currentRegion !== newRegion) { if (currentRegion !== undefined && highlightEnabled) { this.removeHighlight(); } this.currentRegion = newRegion; if (newRegion !== undefined && highlightEnabled) { this.renderHighlight(); } return true; } return false; }, /** * Reset any currently highlighted item */ clearRegionHighlight: function () { if (this.currentRegion !== undefined) { this.removeHighlight(); this.currentRegion = undefined; return true; } return false; }, renderHighlight: function () { this.changeHighlight(true); }, removeHighlight: function () { this.changeHighlight(false); }, changeHighlight: function (highlight) {}, /** * Fetch the HTML to display as a tooltip */ getCurrentRegionTooltip: function () { var options = this.options, header = '', entries = [], fields, formats, formatlen, fclass, text, i, showFields, showFieldsKey, newFields, fv, formatter, format, fieldlen, j; if (this.currentRegion === undefined) { return ''; } fields = this.getCurrentRegionFields(); formatter = options.get('tooltipFormatter'); if (formatter) { return formatter(this, options, fields); } if (options.get('tooltipChartTitle')) { header += '<div class="jqs jqstitle">' + options.get('tooltipChartTitle') + '</div>\n'; } formats = this.options.get('tooltipFormat'); if (!formats) { return ''; } if (!$.isArray(formats)) { formats = [formats]; } if (!$.isArray(fields)) { fields = [fields]; } showFields = this.options.get('tooltipFormatFieldlist'); showFieldsKey = this.options.get('tooltipFormatFieldlistKey'); if (showFields && showFieldsKey) { // user-selected ordering of fields newFields = []; for (i = fields.length; i--;) { fv = fields[i][showFieldsKey]; if ((j = $.inArray(fv, showFields)) != -1) { newFields[j] = fields[i]; } } fields = newFields; } formatlen = formats.length; fieldlen = fields.length; for (i = 0; i < formatlen; i++) { format = formats[i]; if (typeof format === 'string') { format = new SPFormat(format); } fclass = format.fclass || 'jqsfield'; for (j = 0; j < fieldlen; j++) { if (!fields[j].isNull || !options.get('tooltipSkipNull')) { $.extend(fields[j], { prefix: options.get('tooltipPrefix'), suffix: options.get('tooltipSuffix') }); text = format.render(fields[j], options.get('tooltipValueLookups'), options); entries.push('<div class="' + fclass + '">' + text + '</div>'); } } } if (entries.length) { return header + entries.join('\n'); } return ''; }, getCurrentRegionFields: function () {}, calcHighlightColor: function (color, options) { var highlightColor = options.get('highlightColor'), lighten = options.get('highlightLighten'), parse, mult, rgbnew, i; if (highlightColor) { return highlightColor; } if (lighten) { // extract RGB values parse = /^#([0-9a-f])([0-9a-f])([0-9a-f])$/i.exec(color) || /^#([0-9a-f]{2})([0-9a-f]{2})([0-9a-f]{2})$/i.exec(color); if (parse) { rgbnew = []; mult = color.length === 4 ? 16 : 1; for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) { rgbnew[i] = clipval(Math.round(parseInt(parse[i + 1], 16) * mult * lighten), 0, 255); } return 'rgb(' + rgbnew.join(',') + ')'; } } return color; } }); barHighlightMixin = { changeHighlight: function (highlight) { var currentRegion = this.currentRegion, target = this.target, shapeids = this.regionShapes[currentRegion], newShapes; // will be null if the region value was null if (shapeids) { newShapes = this.renderRegion(currentRegion, highlight); if ($.isArray(newShapes) || $.isArray(shapeids)) { target.replaceWithShapes(shapeids, newShapes); this.regionShapes[currentRegion] = $.map(newShapes, function (newShape) { return newShape.id; }); } else { target.replaceWithShape(shapeids, newShapes); this.regionShapes[currentRegion] = newShapes.id; } } }, render: function () { var values = this.values, target = this.target, regionShapes = this.regionShapes, shapes, ids, i, j; if (!this.cls._super.render.call(this)) { return; } for (i = values.length; i--;) { shapes = this.renderRegion(i); if (shapes) { if ($.isArray(shapes)) { ids = []; for (j = shapes.length; j--;) { shapes[j].append(); ids.push(shapes[j].id); } regionShapes[i] = ids; } else { shapes.append(); regionShapes[i] = shapes.id; // store just the shapeid } } else { // null value regionShapes[i] = null; } } target.render(); } }; /** * Line charts */ $.fn.sparkline.line = line = createClass($.fn.sparkline._base, { type: 'line', init: function (el, values, options, width, height) { line._super.init.call(this, el, values, options, width, height); this.vertices = []; this.regionMap = []; this.xvalues = []; this.yvalues = []; this.yminmax = []; this.hightlightSpotId = null; this.lastShapeId = null; this.initTarget(); }, getRegion: function (el, x, y) { var i, regionMap = this.regionMap; // maps regions to value positions for (i = regionMap.length; i--;) { if (regionMap[i] !== null && x >= regionMap[i][0] && x <= regionMap[i][1]) { return regionMap[i][2]; } } return undefined; }, getCurrentRegionFields: function () { var currentRegion = this.currentRegion; return { isNull: this.yvalues[currentRegion] === null, x: this.xvalues[currentRegion], y: this.yvalues[currentRegion], color: this.options.get('lineColor'), fillColor: this.options.get('fillColor'), offset: currentRegion }; }, renderHighlight: function () { var currentRegion = this.currentRegion, target = this.target, vertex = this.vertices[currentRegion], options = this.options, spotRadius = options.get('spotRadius'), highlightSpotColor = options.get('highlightSpotColor'), highlightLineColor = options.get('highlightLineColor'), highlightSpot, highlightLine; if (!vertex) { return; } if (spotRadius && highlightSpotColor) { highlightSpot = target.drawCircle(vertex[0], vertex[1], spotRadius, undefined, highlightSpotColor); this.highlightSpotId = highlightSpot.id; target.insertAfterShape(this.lastShapeId, highlightSpot); } if (highlightLineColor) { highlightLine = target.drawLine(vertex[0], this.canvasTop, vertex[0], this.canvasTop + this.canvasHeight, highlightLineColor); this.highlightLineId = highlightLine.id; target.insertAfterShape(this.lastShapeId, highlightLine); } }, removeHighlight: function () { var target = this.target; if (this.highlightSpotId) { target.removeShapeId(this.highlightSpotId); this.highlightSpotId = null; } if (this.highlightLineId) { target.removeShapeId(this.highlightLineId); this.highlightLineId = null; } }, scanValues: function () { var values = this.values, valcount = values.length, xvalues = this.xvalues, yvalues = this.yvalues, yminmax = this.yminmax, i, val, isStr, isArray, sp; for (i = 0; i < valcount; i++) { val = values[i]; isStr = typeof(values[i]) === 'string'; isArray = typeof(values[i]) === 'object' && values[i] instanceof Array; sp = isStr && values[i].split(':'); if (isStr && sp.length === 2) { // x:y xvalues.push(Number(sp[0])); yvalues.push(Number(sp[1])); yminmax.push(Number(sp[1])); } else if (isArray) { xvalues.push(val[0]); yvalues.push(val[1]); yminmax.push(val[1]); } else { xvalues.push(i); if (values[i] === null || values[i] === 'null') { yvalues.push(null); } else { yvalues.push(Number(val)); yminmax.push(Number(val)); } } } if (this.options.get('xvalues')) { xvalues = this.options.get('xvalues'); } this.maxy = this.maxyorg = Math.max.apply(Math, yminmax); this.miny = this.minyorg = Math.min.apply(Math, yminmax); this.maxx = Math.max.apply(Math, xvalues); this.minx = Math.min.apply(Math, xvalues); this.xvalues = xvalues; this.yvalues = yvalues; this.yminmax = yminmax; }, processRangeOptions: function () { var options = this.options, normalRangeMin = options.get('normalRangeMin'), normalRangeMax = options.get('normalRangeMax'); if (normalRangeMin !== undefined) { if (normalRangeMin < this.miny) { this.miny = normalRangeMin; } if (normalRangeMax > this.maxy) { this.maxy = normalRangeMax; } } if (options.get('chartRangeMin') !== undefined && (options.get('chartRangeClip') || options.get('chartRangeMin') < this.miny)) { this.miny = options.get('chartRangeMin'); } if (options.get('chartRangeMax') !== undefined && (options.get('chartRangeClip') || options.get('chartRangeMax') > this.maxy)) { this.maxy = options.get('chartRangeMax'); } if (options.get('chartRangeMinX') !== undefined && (options.get('chartRangeClipX') || options.get('chartRangeMinX') < this.minx)) { this.minx = options.get('chartRangeMinX'); } if (options.get('chartRangeMaxX') !== undefined && (options.get('chartRangeClipX') || options.get('chartRangeMaxX') > this.maxx)) { this.maxx = options.get('chartRangeMaxX'); } }, drawNormalRange: function (canvasLeft, canvasTop, canvasHeight, canvasWidth, rangey) { var normalRangeMin = this.options.get('normalRangeMin'), normalRangeMax = this.options.get('normalRangeMax'), ytop = canvasTop + Math.round(canvasHeight - (canvasHeight * ((normalRangeMax - this.miny) / rangey))), height = Math.round((canvasHeight * (normalRangeMax - normalRangeMin)) / rangey); this.target.drawRect(canvasLeft, ytop, canvasWidth, height, undefined, this.options.get('normalRangeColor')).append(); }, render: function () { var options = this.options, target = this.target, canvasWidth = this.canvasWidth, canvasHeight = this.canvasHeight, vertices = this.vertices, spotRadius = options.get('spotRadius'), regionMap = this.regionMap, rangex, rangey, yvallast, canvasTop, canvasLeft, vertex, path, paths, x, y, xnext, xpos, xposnext, last, next, yvalcount, lineShapes, fillShapes, plen, valueSpots, hlSpotsEnabled, color, xvalues, yvalues, i; if (!line._super.render.call(this)) { return; } this.scanValues(); this.processRangeOptions(); xvalues = this.xvalues; yvalues = this.yvalues; if (!this.yminmax.length || this.yvalues.length < 2) { // empty or all null valuess return; } canvasTop = canvasLeft = 0; rangex = this.maxx - this.minx === 0 ? 1 : this.maxx - this.minx; rangey = this.maxy - this.miny === 0 ? 1 : this.maxy - this.miny; yvallast = this.yvalues.length - 1; if (spotRadius && (canvasWidth < (spotRadius * 4) || canvasHeight < (spotRadius * 4))) { spotRadius = 0; } if (spotRadius) { // adjust the canvas size as required so that spots will fit hlSpotsEnabled = options.get('highlightSpotColor') && !options.get('disableInteraction'); if (hlSpotsEnabled || options.get('minSpotColor') || (options.get('spotColor') && yvalues[yvallast] === this.miny)) { canvasHeight -= Math.ceil(spotRadius); } if (hlSpotsEnabled || options.get('maxSpotColor') || (options.get('spotColor') && yvalues[yvallast] === this.maxy)) { canvasHeight -= Math.ceil(spotRadius); canvasTop += Math.ceil(spotRadius); } if (hlSpotsEnabled || ((options.get('minSpotColor') || options.get('maxSpotColor')) && (yvalues[0] === this.miny || yvalues[0] === this.maxy))) { canvasLeft += Math.ceil(spotRadius); canvasWidth -= Math.ceil(spotRadius); } if (hlSpotsEnabled || options.get('spotColor') || (options.get('minSpotColor') || options.get('maxSpotColor') && (yvalues[yvallast] === this.miny || yvalues[yvallast] === this.maxy))) { canvasWidth -= Math.ceil(spotRadius); } } canvasHeight--; if (options.get('normalRangeMin') !== undefined && !options.get('drawNormalOnTop')) { this.drawNormalRange(canvasLeft, canvasTop, canvasHeight, canvasWidth, rangey); } path = []; paths = [path]; last = next = null; yvalcount = yvalues.length; for (i = 0; i < yvalcount; i++) { x = xvalues[i]; xnext = xvalues[i + 1]; y = yvalues[i]; xpos = canvasLeft + Math.round((x - this.minx) * (canvasWidth / rangex)); xposnext = i < yvalcount - 1 ? canvasLeft + Math.round((xnext - this.minx) * (canvasWidth / rangex)) : canvasWidth; next = xpos + ((xposnext - xpos) / 2); regionMap[i] = [last || 0, next, i]; last = next; if (y === null) { if (i) { if (yvalues[i - 1] !== null) { path = []; paths.push(path); } vertices.push(null); } } else { if (y < this.miny) { y = this.miny; } if (y > this.maxy) { y = this.maxy; } if (!path.length) { // previous value was null path.push([xpos, canvasTop + canvasHeight]); } vertex = [xpos, canvasTop + Math.round(canvasHeight - (canvasHeight * ((y - this.miny) / rangey)))]; path.push(vertex); vertices.push(vertex); } } lineShapes = []; fillShapes = []; plen = paths.length; for (i = 0; i < plen; i++) { path = paths[i]; if (path.length) { if (options.get('fillColor')) { path.push([path[path.length - 1][0], (canvasTop + canvasHeight)]); fillShapes.push(path.slice(0)); path.pop(); } // if there's only a single point in this path, then we want to display it // as a vertical line which means we keep path[0] as is if (path.length > 2) { // else we want the first value path[0] = [path[0][0], path[1][1]]; } lineShapes.push(path); } } // draw the fill first, then optionally the normal range, then the line on top of that plen = fillShapes.length; for (i = 0; i < plen; i++) { target.drawShape(fillShapes[i], options.get('fillColor'), options.get('fillColor')).append(); } if (options.get('normalRangeMin') !== undefined && options.get('drawNormalOnTop')) { this.drawNormalRange(canvasLeft, canvasTop, canvasHeight, canvasWidth, rangey); } plen = lineShapes.length; for (i = 0; i < plen; i++) { target.drawShape(lineShapes[i], options.get('lineColor'), undefined, options.get('lineWidth')).append(); } if (spotRadius && options.get('valueSpots')) { valueSpots = options.get('valueSpots'); if (valueSpots.get === undefined) { valueSpots = new RangeMap(valueSpots); } for (i = 0; i < yvalcount; i++) { color = valueSpots.get(yvalues[i]); if (color) { target.drawCircle(canvasLeft + Math.round((xvalues[i] - this.minx) * (canvasWidth / rangex)), canvasTop + Math.round(canvasHeight - (canvasHeight * ((yvalues[i] - this.miny) / rangey))), spotRadius, undefined, color).append(); } } } if (spotRadius && options.get('spotColor') && yvalues[yvallast] !== null) { target.drawCircle(canvasLeft + Math.round((xvalues[xvalues.length - 1] - this.minx) * (canvasWidth / rangex)), canvasTop + Math.round(canvasHeight - (canvasHeight * ((yvalues[yvallast] - this.miny) / rangey))), spotRadius, undefined, options.get('spotColor')).append(); } if (this.maxy !== this.minyorg) { if (spotRadius && options.get('minSpotColor')) { x = xvalues[$.inArray(this.minyorg, yvalues)]; target.drawCircle(canvasLeft + Math.round((x - this.minx) * (canvasWidth / rangex)), canvasTop + Math.round(canvasHeight - (canvasHeight * ((this.minyorg - this.miny) / rangey))), spotRadius, undefined, options.get('minSpotColor')).append(); } if (spotRadius && options.get('maxSpotColor')) { x = xvalues[$.inArray(this.maxyorg, yvalues)]; target.drawCircle(canvasLeft + Math.round((x - this.minx) * (canvasWidth / rangex)), canvasTop + Math.round(canvasHeight - (canvasHeight * ((this.maxyorg - this.miny) / rangey))), spotRadius, undefined, options.get('maxSpotColor')).append(); } } this.lastShapeId = target.getLastShapeId(); this.canvasTop = canvasTop; target.render(); } }); /** * Bar charts */ $.fn.sparkline.bar = bar = createClass($.fn.sparkline._base, barHighlightMixin, { type: 'bar', init: function (el, values, options, width, height) { var barWidth = parseInt(options.get('barWidth'), 10), barSpacing = parseInt(options.get('barSpacing'), 10), chartRangeMin = options.get('chartRangeMin'), chartRangeMax = options.get('chartRangeMax'), chartRangeClip = options.get('chartRangeClip'), stackMin = Infinity, stackMax = -Infinity, isStackString, groupMin, groupMax, stackRanges, numValues, i, vlen, range, zeroAxis, xaxisOffset, min, max, clipMin, clipMax, stacked, vlist, j, slen, svals, val, yoffset, yMaxCalc, canvasHeightEf; bar._super.init.call(this, el, values, options, width, height); // scan values to determine whether to stack bars for (i = 0, vlen = values.length; i < vlen; i++) { val = values[i]; isStackString = typeof(val) === 'string' && val.indexOf(':') > -1; if (isStackString || $.isArray(val)) { stacked = true; if (isStackString) { val = values[i] = normalizeValues(val.split(':')); } val = remove(val, null); // min/max will treat null as zero groupMin = Math.min.apply(Math, val); groupMax = Math.max.apply(Math, val); if (groupMin < stackMin) { stackMin = groupMin; } if (groupMax > stackMax) { stackMax = groupMax; } } } this.stacked = stacked; this.regionShapes = {}; this.barWidth = barWidth; this.barSpacing = barSpacing; this.totalBarWidth = barWidth + barSpacing; this.width = width = (values.length * barWidth) + ((values.length - 1) * barSpacing); this.initTarget(); if (chartRangeClip) { clipMin = chartRangeMin === undefined ? -Infinity : chartRangeMin; clipMax = chartRangeMax === undefined ? Infinity : chartRangeMax; } numValues = []; stackRanges = stacked ? [] : numValues; var stackTotals = []; var stackRangesNeg = []; for (i = 0, vlen = values.length; i < vlen; i++) { if (stacked) { vlist = values[i]; values[i] = svals = []; stackTotals[i] = 0; stackRanges[i] = stackRangesNeg[i] = 0; for (j = 0, slen = vlist.length; j < slen; j++) { val = svals[j] = chartRangeClip ? clipval(vlist[j], clipMin, clipMax) : vlist[j]; if (val !== null) { if (val > 0) { stackTotals[i] += val; } if (stackMin < 0 && stackMax > 0) { if (val < 0) { stackRangesNeg[i] += Math.abs(val); } else { stackRanges[i] += val; } } else { stackRanges[i] += Math.abs(val - (val < 0 ? stackMax : stackMin)); } numValues.push(val); } } } else { val = chartRangeClip ? clipval(values[i], clipMin, clipMax) : values[i]; val = values[i] = normalizeValue(val); if (val !== null) { numValues.push(val); } } } this.max = max = Math.max.apply(Math, numValues); this.min = min = Math.min.apply(Math, numValues); this.stackMax = stackMax = stacked ? Math.max.apply(Math, stackTotals) : max; this.stackMin = stackMin = stacked ? Math.min.apply(Math, numValues) : min; if (options.get('chartRangeMin') !== undefined && (options.get('chartRangeClip') || options.get('chartRangeMin') < min)) { min = options.get('chartRangeMin'); } if (options.get('chartRangeMax') !== undefined && (options.get('chartRangeClip') || options.get('chartRangeMax') > max)) { max = options.get('chartRangeMax'); } this.zeroAxis = zeroAxis = options.get('zeroAxis', true); if (min <= 0 && max >= 0 && zeroAxis) { xaxisOffset = 0; } else if (zeroAxis == false) { xaxisOffset = min; } else if (min > 0) { xaxisOffset = min; } else { xaxisOffset = max; } this.xaxisOffset = xaxisOffset; range = stacked ? (Math.max.apply(Math, stackRanges) + Math.max.apply(Math, stackRangesNeg)) : max - min; // as we plot zero/min values a single pixel line, we add a pixel to all other // values - Reduce the effective canvas size to suit this.canvasHeightEf = (zeroAxis && min < 0) ? this.canvasHeight - 2 : this.canvasHeight - 1; if (min < xaxisOffset) { yMaxCalc = (stacked && max >= 0) ? stackMax : max; yoffset = (yMaxCalc - xaxisOffset) / range * this.canvasHeight; if (yoffset !== Math.ceil(yoffset)) { this.canvasHeightEf -= 2; yoffset = Math.ceil(yoffset); } } else { yoffset = this.canvasHeight; } this.yoffset = yoffset; if ($.isArray(options.get('colorMap'))) { this.colorMapByIndex = options.get('colorMap'); this.colorMapByValue = null; } else { this.colorMapByIndex = null; this.colorMapByValue = options.get('colorMap'); if (this.colorMapByValue && this.colorMapByValue.get === undefined) { this.colorMapByValue = new RangeMap(this.colorMapByValue); } } this.range = range; }, getRegion: function (el, x, y) { var result = Math.floor(x / this.totalBarWidth); return (result < 0 || result >= this.values.length) ? undefined : result; }, getCurrentRegionFields: function () { var currentRegion = this.currentRegion, values = ensureArray(this.values[currentRegion]), result = [], value, i; for (i = values.length; i--;) { value = values[i]; result.push({ isNull: value === null, value: value, color: this.calcColor(i, value, currentRegion), offset: currentRegion }); } return result; }, calcColor: function (stacknum, value, valuenum) { var colorMapByIndex = this.colorMapByIndex, colorMapByValue = this.colorMapByValue, options = this.options, color, newColor; if (this.stacked) { color = options.get('stackedBarColor'); } else { color = (value < 0) ? options.get('negBarColor') : options.get('barColor'); } if (value === 0 && options.get('zeroColor') !== undefined) { color = options.get('zeroColor'); } if (colorMapByValue && (newColor = colorMapByValue.get(value))) { color = newColor; } else if (colorMapByIndex && colorMapByIndex.length > valuenum) { color = colorMapByIndex[valuenum]; } return $.isArray(color) ? color[stacknum % color.length] : color; }, /** * Render bar(s) for a region */ renderRegion: function (valuenum, highlight) { var vals = this.values[valuenum], options = this.options, xaxisOffset = this.xaxisOffset, result = [], range = this.range, stacked = this.stacked, target = this.target, x = valuenum * this.totalBarWidth, canvasHeightEf = this.canvasHeightEf, yoffset = this.yoffset, y, height, color, isNull, yoffsetNeg, i, valcount, val, minPlotted, allMin; vals = $.isArray(vals) ? vals : [vals]; valcount = vals.length; val = vals[0]; isNull = all(null, vals); allMin = all(xaxisOffset, vals, true); if (isNull) { if (options.get('nullColor')) { color = highlight ? options.get('nullColor') : this.calcHighlightColor(options.get('nullColor'), options); y = (yoffset > 0) ? yoffset - 1 : yoffset; return target.drawRect(x, y, this.barWidth - 1, 0, color, color); } else { return undefined; } } yoffsetNeg = yoffset; for (i = 0; i < valcount; i++) { val = vals[i]; if (stacked && val === xaxisOffset) { if (!allMin || minPlotted) { continue; } minPlotted = true; } if (range > 0) { height = Math.floor(canvasHeightEf * ((Math.abs(val - xaxisOffset) / range))) + 1; } else { height = 1; } if (val < xaxisOffset || (val === xaxisOffset && yoffset === 0)) { y = yoffsetNeg; yoffsetNeg += height; } else { y = yoffset - height; yoffset -= height; } color = this.calcColor(i, val, valuenum); if (highlight) { color = this.calcHighlightColor(color, options); } result.push(target.drawRect(x, y, this.barWidth - 1, height - 1, color, color)); } if (result.length === 1) { return result[0]; } return result; } }); /** * Tristate charts */ $.fn.sparkline.tristate = tristate = createClass($.fn.sparkline._base, barHighlightMixin, { type: 'tristate', init: function (el, values, options, width, height) { var barWidth = parseInt(options.get('barWidth'), 10), barSpacing = parseInt(options.get('barSpacing'), 10); tristate._super.init.call(this, el, values, options, width, height); this.regionShapes = {}; this.barWidth = barWidth; this.barSpacing = barSpacing; this.totalBarWidth = barWidth + barSpacing; this.values = $.map(values, Number); this.width = width = (values.length * barWidth) + ((values.length - 1) * barSpacing); if ($.isArray(options.get('colorMap'))) { this.colorMapByIndex = options.get('colorMap'); this.colorMapByValue = null; } else { this.colorMapByIndex = null; this.colorMapByValue = options.get('colorMap'); if (this.colorMapByValue && this.colorMapByValue.get === undefined) { this.colorMapByValue = new RangeMap(this.colorMapByValue); } } this.initTarget(); }, getRegion: function (el, x, y) { return Math.floor(x / this.totalBarWidth); }, getCurrentRegionFields: function () { var currentRegion = this.currentRegion; return { isNull: this.values[currentRegion] === undefined, value: this.values[currentRegion], color: this.calcColor(this.values[currentRegion], currentRegion), offset: currentRegion }; }, calcColor: function (value, valuenum) { var values = this.values, options = this.options, colorMapByIndex = this.colorMapByIndex, colorMapByValue = this.colorMapByValue, color, newColor; if (colorMapByValue && (newColor = colorMapByValue.get(value))) { color = newColor; } else if (colorMapByIndex && colorMapByIndex.length > valuenum) { color = colorMapByIndex[valuenum]; } else if (values[valuenum] < 0) { color = options.get('negBarColor'); } else if (values[valuenum] > 0) { color = options.get('posBarColor'); } else { color = options.get('zeroBarColor'); } return color; }, renderRegion: function (valuenum, highlight) { var values = this.values, options = this.options, target = this.target, canvasHeight, height, halfHeight, x, y, color; canvasHeight = target.pixelHeight; halfHeight = Math.round(canvasHeight / 2); x = valuenum * this.totalBarWidth; if (values[valuenum] < 0) { y = halfHeight; height = halfHeight - 1; } else if (values[valuenum] > 0) { y = 0; height = halfHeight - 1; } else { y = halfHeight - 1; height = 2; } color = this.calcColor(values[valuenum], valuenum); if (color === null) { return; } if (highlight) { color = this.calcHighlightColor(color, options); } return target.drawRect(x, y, this.barWidth - 1, height - 1, color, color); } }); /** * Discrete charts */ $.fn.sparkline.discrete = discrete = createClass($.fn.sparkline._base, barHighlightMixin, { type: 'discrete', init: function (el, values, options, width, height) { discrete._super.init.call(this, el, values, options, width, height); this.regionShapes = {}; this.values = values = $.map(values, Number); this.min = Math.min.apply(Math, values); this.max = Math.max.apply(Math, values); this.range = this.max - this.min; this.width = width = options.get('width') === 'auto' ? values.length * 2 : this.width; this.interval = Math.floor(width / values.length); this.itemWidth = width / values.length; if (options.get('chartRangeMin') !== undefined && (options.get('chartRangeClip') || options.get('chartRangeMin') < this.min)) { this.min = options.get('chartRangeMin'); } if (options.get('chartRangeMax') !== undefined && (options.get('chartRangeClip') || options.get('chartRangeMax') > this.max)) { this.max = options.get('chartRangeMax'); } this.initTarget(); if (this.target) { this.lineHeight = options.get('lineHeight') === 'auto' ? Math.round(this.canvasHeight * 0.3) : options.get('lineHeight'); } }, getRegion: function (el, x, y) { return Math.floor(x / this.itemWidth); }, getCurrentRegionFields: function () { var currentRegion = this.currentRegion; return { isNull: this.values[currentRegion] === undefined, value: this.values[currentRegion], offset: currentRegion }; }, renderRegion: function (valuenum, highlight) { var values = this.values, options = this.options, min = this.min, max = this.max, range = this.range, interval = this.interval, target = this.target, canvasHeight = this.canvasHeight, lineHeight = this.lineHeight, pheight = canvasHeight - lineHeight, ytop, val, color, x; val = clipval(values[valuenum], min, max); x = valuenum * interval; ytop = Math.round(pheight - pheight * ((val - min) / range)); color = (options.get('thresholdColor') && val < options.get('thresholdValue')) ? options.get('thresholdColor') : options.get('lineColor'); if (highlight) { color = this.calcHighlightColor(color, options); } return target.drawLine(x, ytop, x, ytop + lineHeight, color); } }); /** * Bullet charts */ $.fn.sparkline.bullet = bullet = createClass($.fn.sparkline._base, { type: 'bullet', init: function (el, values, options, width, height) { var min, max, vals; bullet._super.init.call(this, el, values, options, width, height); // values: target, performance, range1, range2, range3 this.values = values = normalizeValues(values); // target or performance could be null vals = values.slice(); vals[0] = vals[0] === null ? vals[2] : vals[0]; vals[1] = values[1] === null ? vals[2] : vals[1]; min = Math.min.apply(Math, values); max = Math.max.apply(Math, values); if (options.get('base') === undefined) { min = min < 0 ? min : 0; } else { min = options.get('base'); } this.min = min; this.max = max; this.range = max - min; this.shapes = {}; this.valueShapes = {}; this.regiondata = {}; this.width = width = options.get('width') === 'auto' ? '4.0em' : width; this.target = this.$el.simpledraw(width, height, options.get('composite')); if (!values.length) { this.disabled = true; } this.initTarget(); }, getRegion: function (el, x, y) { var shapeid = this.target.getShapeAt(el, x, y); return (shapeid !== undefined && this.shapes[shapeid] !== undefined) ? this.shapes[shapeid] : undefined; }, getCurrentRegionFields: function () { var currentRegion = this.currentRegion; return { fieldkey: currentRegion.substr(0, 1), value: this.values[currentRegion.substr(1)], region: currentRegion }; }, changeHighlight: function (highlight) { var currentRegion = this.currentRegion, shapeid = this.valueShapes[currentRegion], shape; delete this.shapes[shapeid]; switch (currentRegion.substr(0, 1)) { case 'r': shape = this.renderRange(currentRegion.substr(1), highlight); break; case 'p': shape = this.renderPerformance(highlight); break; case 't': shape = this.renderTarget(highlight); break; } this.valueShapes[currentRegion] = shape.id; this.shapes[shape.id] = currentRegion; this.target.replaceWithShape(shapeid, shape); }, renderRange: function (rn, highlight) { var rangeval = this.values[rn], rangewidth = Math.round(this.canvasWidth * ((rangeval - this.min) / this.range)), color = this.options.get('rangeColors')[rn - 2]; if (highlight) { color = this.calcHighlightColor(color, this.options); } return this.target.drawRect(0, 0, rangewidth - 1, this.canvasHeight - 1, color, color); }, renderPerformance: function (highlight) { var perfval = this.values[1], perfwidth = Math.round(this.canvasWidth * ((perfval - this.min) / this.range)), color = this.options.get('performanceColor'); if (highlight) { color = this.calcHighlightColor(color, this.options); } return this.target.drawRect(0, Math.round(this.canvasHeight * 0.3), perfwidth - 1, Math.round(this.canvasHeight * 0.4) - 1, color, color); }, renderTarget: function (highlight) { var targetval = this.values[0], x = Math.round(this.canvasWidth * ((targetval - this.min) / this.range) - (this.options.get('targetWidth') / 2)), targettop = Math.round(this.canvasHeight * 0.10), targetheight = this.canvasHeight - (targettop * 2), color = this.options.get('targetColor'); if (highlight) { color = this.calcHighlightColor(color, this.options); } return this.target.drawRect(x, targettop, this.options.get('targetWidth') - 1, targetheight - 1, color, color); }, render: function () { var vlen = this.values.length, target = this.target, i, shape; if (!bullet._super.render.call(this)) { return; } for (i = 2; i < vlen; i++) { shape = this.renderRange(i).append(); this.shapes[shape.id] = 'r' + i; this.valueShapes['r' + i] = shape.id; } if (this.values[1] !== null) { shape = this.renderPerformance().append(); this.shapes[shape.id] = 'p1'; this.valueShapes.p1 = shape.id; } if (this.values[0] !== null) { shape = this.renderTarget().append(); this.shapes[shape.id] = 't0'; this.valueShapes.t0 = shape.id; } target.render(); } }); /** * Pie charts */ $.fn.sparkline.pie = pie = createClass($.fn.sparkline._base, { type: 'pie', init: function (el, values, options, width, height) { var total = 0, i; pie._super.init.call(this, el, values, options, width, height); this.shapes = {}; // map shape ids to value offsets this.valueShapes = {}; // maps value offsets to shape ids this.values = values = $.map(values, Number); if (options.get('width') === 'auto') { this.width = this.height; } if (values.length > 0) { for (i = values.length; i--;) { total += values[i]; } } this.total = total; this.initTarget(); this.radius = Math.floor(Math.min(this.canvasWidth, this.canvasHeight) / 2); }, getRegion: function (el, x, y) { var shapeid = this.target.getShapeAt(el, x, y); return (shapeid !== undefined && this.shapes[shapeid] !== undefined) ? this.shapes[shapeid] : undefined; }, getCurrentRegionFields: function () { var currentRegion = this.currentRegion; return { isNull: this.values[currentRegion] === undefined, value: this.values[currentRegion], percent: this.values[currentRegion] / this.total * 100, color: this.options.get('sliceColors')[currentRegion % this.options.get('sliceColors').length], offset: currentRegion }; }, changeHighlight: function (highlight) { var currentRegion = this.currentRegion, newslice = this.renderSlice(currentRegion, highlight), shapeid = this.valueShapes[currentRegion]; delete this.shapes[shapeid]; this.target.replaceWithShape(shapeid, newslice); this.valueShapes[currentRegion] = newslice.id; this.shapes[newslice.id] = currentRegion; }, renderSlice: function (valuenum, highlight) { var target = this.target, options = this.options, radius = this.radius, borderWidth = options.get('borderWidth'), offset = options.get('offset'), circle = 2 * Math.PI, values = this.values, total = this.total, next = offset ? (2*Math.PI)*(offset/360) : 0, start, end, i, vlen, color; vlen = values.length; for (i = 0; i < vlen; i++) { start = next; end = next; if (total > 0) { // avoid divide by zero end = next + (circle * (values[i] / total)); } if (valuenum === i) { color = options.get('sliceColors')[i % options.get('sliceColors').length]; if (highlight) { color = this.calcHighlightColor(color, options); } return target.drawPieSlice(radius, radius, radius - borderWidth, start, end, undefined, color); } next = end; } }, render: function () { var target = this.target, values = this.values, options = this.options, radius = this.radius, borderWidth = options.get('borderWidth'), shape, i; if (!pie._super.render.call(this)) { return; } if (borderWidth) { target.drawCircle(radius, radius, Math.floor(radius - (borderWidth / 2)), options.get('borderColor'), undefined, borderWidth).append(); } for (i = values.length; i--;) { if (values[i]) { // don't render zero values shape = this.renderSlice(i).append(); this.valueShapes[i] = shape.id; // store just the shapeid this.shapes[shape.id] = i; } } target.render(); } }); /** * Box plots */ $.fn.sparkline.box = box = createClass($.fn.sparkline._base, { type: 'box', init: function (el, values, options, width, height) { box._super.init.call(this, el, values, options, width, height); this.values = $.map(values, Number); this.width = options.get('width') === 'auto' ? '4.0em' : width; this.initTarget(); if (!this.values.length) { this.disabled = 1; } }, /** * Simulate a single region */ getRegion: function () { return 1; }, getCurrentRegionFields: function () { var result = [ { field: 'lq', value: this.quartiles[0] }, { field: 'med', value: this.quartiles[1] }, { field: 'uq', value: this.quartiles[2] } ]; if (this.loutlier !== undefined) { result.push({ field: 'lo', value: this.loutlier}); } if (this.routlier !== undefined) { result.push({ field: 'ro', value: this.routlier}); } if (this.lwhisker !== undefined) { result.push({ field: 'lw', value: this.lwhisker}); } if (this.rwhisker !== undefined) { result.push({ field: 'rw', value: this.rwhisker}); } return result; }, render: function () { var target = this.target, values = this.values, vlen = values.length, options = this.options, canvasWidth = this.canvasWidth, canvasHeight = this.canvasHeight, minValue = options.get('chartRangeMin') === undefined ? Math.min.apply(Math, values) : options.get('chartRangeMin'), maxValue = options.get('chartRangeMax') === undefined ? Math.max.apply(Math, values) : options.get('chartRangeMax'), canvasLeft = 0, lwhisker, loutlier, iqr, q1, q2, q3, rwhisker, routlier, i, size, unitSize; if (!box._super.render.call(this)) { return; } if (options.get('raw')) { if (options.get('showOutliers') && values.length > 5) { loutlier = values[0]; lwhisker = values[1]; q1 = values[2]; q2 = values[3]; q3 = values[4]; rwhisker = values[5]; routlier = values[6]; } else { lwhisker = values[0]; q1 = values[1]; q2 = values[2]; q3 = values[3]; rwhisker = values[4]; } } else { values.sort(function (a, b) { return a - b; }); q1 = quartile(values, 1); q2 = quartile(values, 2); q3 = quartile(values, 3); iqr = q3 - q1; if (options.get('showOutliers')) { lwhisker = rwhisker = undefined; for (i = 0; i < vlen; i++) { if (lwhisker === undefined && values[i] > q1 - (iqr * options.get('outlierIQR'))) { lwhisker = values[i]; } if (values[i] < q3 + (iqr * options.get('outlierIQR'))) { rwhisker = values[i]; } } loutlier = values[0]; routlier = values[vlen - 1]; } else { lwhisker = values[0]; rwhisker = values[vlen - 1]; } } this.quartiles = [q1, q2, q3]; this.lwhisker = lwhisker; this.rwhisker = rwhisker; this.loutlier = loutlier; this.routlier = routlier; unitSize = canvasWidth / (maxValue - minValue + 1); if (options.get('showOutliers')) { canvasLeft = Math.ceil(options.get('spotRadius')); canvasWidth -= 2 * Math.ceil(options.get('spotRadius')); unitSize = canvasWidth / (maxValue - minValue + 1); if (loutlier < lwhisker) { target.drawCircle((loutlier - minValue) * unitSize + canvasLeft, canvasHeight / 2, options.get('spotRadius'), options.get('outlierLineColor'), options.get('outlierFillColor')).append(); } if (routlier > rwhisker) { target.drawCircle((routlier - minValue) * unitSize + canvasLeft, canvasHeight / 2, options.get('spotRadius'), options.get('outlierLineColor'), options.get('outlierFillColor')).append(); } } // box target.drawRect( Math.round((q1 - minValue) * unitSize + canvasLeft), Math.round(canvasHeight * 0.1), Math.round((q3 - q1) * unitSize), Math.round(canvasHeight * 0.8), options.get('boxLineColor'), options.get('boxFillColor')).append(); // left whisker target.drawLine( Math.round((lwhisker - minValue) * unitSize + canvasLeft), Math.round(canvasHeight / 2), Math.round((q1 - minValue) * unitSize + canvasLeft), Math.round(canvasHeight / 2), options.get('lineColor')).append(); target.drawLine( Math.round((lwhisker - minValue) * unitSize + canvasLeft), Math.round(canvasHeight / 4), Math.round((lwhisker - minValue) * unitSize + canvasLeft), Math.round(canvasHeight - canvasHeight / 4), options.get('whiskerColor')).append(); // right whisker target.drawLine(Math.round((rwhisker - minValue) * unitSize + canvasLeft), Math.round(canvasHeight / 2), Math.round((q3 - minValue) * unitSize + canvasLeft), Math.round(canvasHeight / 2), options.get('lineColor')).append(); target.drawLine( Math.round((rwhisker - minValue) * unitSize + canvasLeft), Math.round(canvasHeight / 4), Math.round((rwhisker - minValue) * unitSize + canvasLeft), Math.round(canvasHeight - canvasHeight / 4), options.get('whiskerColor')).append(); // median line target.drawLine( Math.round((q2 - minValue) * unitSize + canvasLeft), Math.round(canvasHeight * 0.1), Math.round((q2 - minValue) * unitSize + canvasLeft), Math.round(canvasHeight * 0.9), options.get('medianColor')).append(); if (options.get('target')) { size = Math.ceil(options.get('spotRadius')); target.drawLine( Math.round((options.get('target') - minValue) * unitSize + canvasLeft), Math.round((canvasHeight / 2) - size), Math.round((options.get('target') - minValue) * unitSize + canvasLeft), Math.round((canvasHeight / 2) + size), options.get('targetColor')).append(); target.drawLine( Math.round((options.get('target') - minValue) * unitSize + canvasLeft - size), Math.round(canvasHeight / 2), Math.round((options.get('target') - minValue) * unitSize + canvasLeft + size), Math.round(canvasHeight / 2), options.get('targetColor')).append(); } target.render(); } }); // Setup a very simple "virtual canvas" to make drawing the few shapes we need easier // This is accessible as $(foo).simpledraw() VShape = createClass({ init: function (target, id, type, args) { this.target = target; this.id = id; this.type = type; this.args = args; }, append: function () { this.target.appendShape(this); return this; } }); VCanvas_base = createClass({ _pxregex: /(\d+)(px)?\s*$/i, init: function (width, height, target) { if (!width) { return; } this.width = width; this.height = height; this.target = target; this.lastShapeId = null; if (target[0]) { target = target[0]; } $.data(target, '_jqs_vcanvas', this); }, drawLine: function (x1, y1, x2, y2, lineColor, lineWidth) { return this.drawShape([[x1, y1], [x2, y2]], lineColor, lineWidth); }, drawShape: function (path, lineColor, fillColor, lineWidth) { return this._genShape('Shape', [path, lineColor, fillColor, lineWidth]); }, drawCircle: function (x, y, radius, lineColor, fillColor, lineWidth) { return this._genShape('Circle', [x, y, radius, lineColor, fillColor, lineWidth]); }, drawPieSlice: function (x, y, radius, startAngle, endAngle, lineColor, fillColor) { return this._genShape('PieSlice', [x, y, radius, startAngle, endAngle, lineColor, fillColor]); }, drawRect: function (x, y, width, height, lineColor, fillColor) { return this._genShape('Rect', [x, y, width, height, lineColor, fillColor]); }, getElement: function () { return this.canvas; }, /** * Return the most recently inserted shape id */ getLastShapeId: function () { return this.lastShapeId; }, /** * Clear and reset the canvas */ reset: function () { alert('reset not implemented'); }, _insert: function (el, target) { $(target).html(el); }, /** * Calculate the pixel dimensions of the canvas */ _calculatePixelDims: function (width, height, canvas) { // XXX This should probably be a configurable option var match; match = this._pxregex.exec(height); if (match) { this.pixelHeight = match[1]; } else { this.pixelHeight = $(canvas).height(); } match = this._pxregex.exec(width); if (match) { this.pixelWidth = match[1]; } else { this.pixelWidth = $(canvas).width(); } }, /** * Generate a shape object and id for later rendering */ _genShape: function (shapetype, shapeargs) { var id = shapeCount++; shapeargs.unshift(id); return new VShape(this, id, shapetype, shapeargs); }, /** * Add a shape to the end of the render queue */ appendShape: function (shape) { alert('appendShape not implemented'); }, /** * Replace one shape with another */ replaceWithShape: function (shapeid, shape) { alert('replaceWithShape not implemented'); }, /** * Insert one shape after another in the render queue */ insertAfterShape: function (shapeid, shape) { alert('insertAfterShape not implemented'); }, /** * Remove a shape from the queue */ removeShapeId: function (shapeid) { alert('removeShapeId not implemented'); }, /** * Find a shape at the specified x/y co-ordinates */ getShapeAt: function (el, x, y) { alert('getShapeAt not implemented'); }, /** * Render all queued shapes onto the canvas */ render: function () { alert('render not implemented'); } }); VCanvas_canvas = createClass(VCanvas_base, { init: function (width, height, target, interact) { VCanvas_canvas._super.init.call(this, width, height, target); this.canvas = document.createElement('canvas'); if (target[0]) { target = target[0]; } $.data(target, '_jqs_vcanvas', this); $(this.canvas).css({ display: 'inline-block', width: width, height: height, verticalAlign: 'top' }); this._insert(this.canvas, target); this._calculatePixelDims(width, height, this.canvas); this.canvas.width = this.pixelWidth; this.canvas.height = this.pixelHeight; this.interact = interact; this.shapes = {}; this.shapeseq = []; this.currentTargetShapeId = undefined; $(this.canvas).css({width: this.pixelWidth, height: this.pixelHeight}); }, _getContext: function (lineColor, fillColor, lineWidth) { var context = this.canvas.getContext('2d'); if (lineColor !== undefined) { context.strokeStyle = lineColor; } context.lineWidth = lineWidth === undefined ? 1 : lineWidth; if (fillColor !== undefined) { context.fillStyle = fillColor; } return context; }, reset: function () { var context = this._getContext(); context.clearRect(0, 0, this.pixelWidth, this.pixelHeight); this.shapes = {}; this.shapeseq = []; this.currentTargetShapeId = undefined; }, _drawShape: function (shapeid, path, lineColor, fillColor, lineWidth) { var context = this._getContext(lineColor, fillColor, lineWidth), i, plen; context.beginPath(); context.moveTo(path[0][0] + 0.5, path[0][1] + 0.5); for (i = 1, plen = path.length; i < plen; i++) { context.lineTo(path[i][0] + 0.5, path[i][1] + 0.5); // the 0.5 offset gives us crisp pixel-width lines } if (lineColor !== undefined) { context.stroke(); } if (fillColor !== undefined) { context.fill(); } if (this.targetX !== undefined && this.targetY !== undefined && context.isPointInPath(this.targetX, this.targetY)) { this.currentTargetShapeId = shapeid; } }, _drawCircle: function (shapeid, x, y, radius, lineColor, fillColor, lineWidth) { var context = this._getContext(lineColor, fillColor, lineWidth); context.beginPath(); context.arc(x, y, radius, 0, 2 * Math.PI, false); if (this.targetX !== undefined && this.targetY !== undefined && context.isPointInPath(this.targetX, this.targetY)) { this.currentTargetShapeId = shapeid; } if (lineColor !== undefined) { context.stroke(); } if (fillColor !== undefined) { context.fill(); } }, _drawPieSlice: function (shapeid, x, y, radius, startAngle, endAngle, lineColor, fillColor) { var context = this._getContext(lineColor, fillColor); context.beginPath(); context.moveTo(x, y); context.arc(x, y, radius, startAngle, endAngle, false); context.lineTo(x, y); context.closePath(); if (lineColor !== undefined) { context.stroke(); } if (fillColor) { context.fill(); } if (this.targetX !== undefined && this.targetY !== undefined && context.isPointInPath(this.targetX, this.targetY)) { this.currentTargetShapeId = shapeid; } }, _drawRect: function (shapeid, x, y, width, height, lineColor, fillColor) { return this._drawShape(shapeid, [[x, y], [x + width, y], [x + width, y + height], [x, y + height], [x, y]], lineColor, fillColor); }, appendShape: function (shape) { this.shapes[shape.id] = shape; this.shapeseq.push(shape.id); this.lastShapeId = shape.id; return shape.id; }, replaceWithShape: function (shapeid, shape) { var shapeseq = this.shapeseq, i; this.shapes[shape.id] = shape; for (i = shapeseq.length; i--;) { if (shapeseq[i] == shapeid) { shapeseq[i] = shape.id; } } delete this.shapes[shapeid]; }, replaceWithShapes: function (shapeids, shapes) { var shapeseq = this.shapeseq, shapemap = {}, sid, i, first; for (i = shapeids.length; i--;) { shapemap[shapeids[i]] = true; } for (i = shapeseq.length; i--;) { sid = shapeseq[i]; if (shapemap[sid]) { shapeseq.splice(i, 1); delete this.shapes[sid]; first = i; } } for (i = shapes.length; i--;) { shapeseq.splice(first, 0, shapes[i].id); this.shapes[shapes[i].id] = shapes[i]; } }, insertAfterShape: function (shapeid, shape) { var shapeseq = this.shapeseq, i; for (i = shapeseq.length; i--;) { if (shapeseq[i] === shapeid) { shapeseq.splice(i + 1, 0, shape.id); this.shapes[shape.id] = shape; return; } } }, removeShapeId: function (shapeid) { var shapeseq = this.shapeseq, i; for (i = shapeseq.length; i--;) { if (shapeseq[i] === shapeid) { shapeseq.splice(i, 1); break; } } delete this.shapes[shapeid]; }, getShapeAt: function (el, x, y) { this.targetX = x; this.targetY = y; this.render(); return this.currentTargetShapeId; }, render: function () { var shapeseq = this.shapeseq, shapes = this.shapes, shapeCount = shapeseq.length, context = this._getContext(), shapeid, shape, i; context.clearRect(0, 0, this.pixelWidth, this.pixelHeight); for (i = 0; i < shapeCount; i++) { shapeid = shapeseq[i]; shape = shapes[shapeid]; this['_draw' + shape.type].apply(this, shape.args); } if (!this.interact) { // not interactive so no need to keep the shapes array this.shapes = {}; this.shapeseq = []; } } }); VCanvas_vml = createClass(VCanvas_base, { init: function (width, height, target) { var groupel; VCanvas_vml._super.init.call(this, width, height, target); if (target[0]) { target = target[0]; } $.data(target, '_jqs_vcanvas', this); this.canvas = document.createElement('span'); $(this.canvas).css({ display: 'inline-block', position: 'relative', overflow: 'hidden', width: width, height: height, margin: '0px', padding: '0px', verticalAlign: 'top'}); this._insert(this.canvas, target); this._calculatePixelDims(width, height, this.canvas); this.canvas.width = this.pixelWidth; this.canvas.height = this.pixelHeight; groupel = '<v:group coordorigin="0 0" coordsize="' + this.pixelWidth + ' ' + this.pixelHeight + '"' + ' style="position:absolute;top:0;left:0;width:' + this.pixelWidth + 'px;height=' + this.pixelHeight + 'px;"></v:group>'; this.canvas.insertAdjacentHTML('beforeEnd', groupel); this.group = $(this.canvas).children()[0]; this.rendered = false; this.prerender = ''; }, _drawShape: function (shapeid, path, lineColor, fillColor, lineWidth) { var vpath = [], initial, stroke, fill, closed, vel, plen, i; for (i = 0, plen = path.length; i < plen; i++) { vpath[i] = '' + (path[i][0]) + ',' + (path[i][1]); } initial = vpath.splice(0, 1); lineWidth = lineWidth === undefined ? 1 : lineWidth; stroke = lineColor === undefined ? ' stroked="false" ' : ' strokeWeight="' + lineWidth + 'px" strokeColor="' + lineColor + '" '; fill = fillColor === undefined ? ' filled="false"' : ' fillColor="' + fillColor + '" filled="true" '; closed = vpath[0] === vpath[vpath.length - 1] ? 'x ' : ''; vel = '<v:shape coordorigin="0 0" coordsize="' + this.pixelWidth + ' ' + this.pixelHeight + '" ' + ' id="jqsshape' + shapeid + '" ' + stroke + fill + ' style="position:absolute;left:0px;top:0px;height:' + this.pixelHeight + 'px;width:' + this.pixelWidth + 'px;padding:0px;margin:0px;" ' + ' path="m ' + initial + ' l ' + vpath.join(', ') + ' ' + closed + 'e">' + ' </v:shape>'; return vel; }, _drawCircle: function (shapeid, x, y, radius, lineColor, fillColor, lineWidth) { var stroke, fill, vel; x -= radius; y -= radius; stroke = lineColor === undefined ? ' stroked="false" ' : ' strokeWeight="' + lineWidth + 'px" strokeColor="' + lineColor + '" '; fill = fillColor === undefined ? ' filled="false"' : ' fillColor="' + fillColor + '" filled="true" '; vel = '<v:oval ' + ' id="jqsshape' + shapeid + '" ' + stroke + fill + ' style="position:absolute;top:' + y + 'px; left:' + x + 'px; width:' + (radius * 2) + 'px; height:' + (radius * 2) + 'px"></v:oval>'; return vel; }, _drawPieSlice: function (shapeid, x, y, radius, startAngle, endAngle, lineColor, fillColor) { var vpath, startx, starty, endx, endy, stroke, fill, vel; if (startAngle === endAngle) { return ''; // VML seems to have problem when start angle equals end angle. } if ((endAngle - startAngle) === (2 * Math.PI)) { startAngle = 0.0; // VML seems to have a problem when drawing a full circle that doesn't start 0 endAngle = (2 * Math.PI); } startx = x + Math.round(Math.cos(startAngle) * radius); starty = y + Math.round(Math.sin(startAngle) * radius); endx = x + Math.round(Math.cos(endAngle) * radius); endy = y + Math.round(Math.sin(endAngle) * radius); if (startx === endx && starty === endy) { if ((endAngle - startAngle) < Math.PI) { // Prevent very small slices from being mistaken as a whole pie return ''; } // essentially going to be the entire circle, so ignore startAngle startx = endx = x + radius; starty = endy = y; } if (startx === endx && starty === endy && (endAngle - startAngle) < Math.PI) { return ''; } vpath = [x - radius, y - radius, x + radius, y + radius, startx, starty, endx, endy]; stroke = lineColor === undefined ? ' stroked="false" ' : ' strokeWeight="1px" strokeColor="' + lineColor + '" '; fill = fillColor === undefined ? ' filled="false"' : ' fillColor="' + fillColor + '" filled="true" '; vel = '<v:shape coordorigin="0 0" coordsize="' + this.pixelWidth + ' ' + this.pixelHeight + '" ' + ' id="jqsshape' + shapeid + '" ' + stroke + fill + ' style="position:absolute;left:0px;top:0px;height:' + this.pixelHeight + 'px;width:' + this.pixelWidth + 'px;padding:0px;margin:0px;" ' + ' path="m ' + x + ',' + y + ' wa ' + vpath.join(', ') + ' x e">' + ' </v:shape>'; return vel; }, _drawRect: function (shapeid, x, y, width, height, lineColor, fillColor) { return this._drawShape(shapeid, [[x, y], [x, y + height], [x + width, y + height], [x + width, y], [x, y]], lineColor, fillColor); }, reset: function () { this.group.innerHTML = ''; }, appendShape: function (shape) { var vel = this['_draw' + shape.type].apply(this, shape.args); if (this.rendered) { this.group.insertAdjacentHTML('beforeEnd', vel); } else { this.prerender += vel; } this.lastShapeId = shape.id; return shape.id; }, replaceWithShape: function (shapeid, shape) { var existing = $('#jqsshape' + shapeid), vel = this['_draw' + shape.type].apply(this, shape.args); existing[0].outerHTML = vel; }, replaceWithShapes: function (shapeids, shapes) { // replace the first shapeid with all the new shapes then toast the remaining old shapes var existing = $('#jqsshape' + shapeids[0]), replace = '', slen = shapes.length, i; for (i = 0; i < slen; i++) { replace += this['_draw' + shapes[i].type].apply(this, shapes[i].args); } existing[0].outerHTML = replace; for (i = 1; i < shapeids.length; i++) { $('#jqsshape' + shapeids[i]).remove(); } }, insertAfterShape: function (shapeid, shape) { var existing = $('#jqsshape' + shapeid), vel = this['_draw' + shape.type].apply(this, shape.args); existing[0].insertAdjacentHTML('afterEnd', vel); }, removeShapeId: function (shapeid) { var existing = $('#jqsshape' + shapeid); this.group.removeChild(existing[0]); }, getShapeAt: function (el, x, y) { var shapeid = el.id.substr(8); return shapeid; }, render: function () { if (!this.rendered) { // batch the intial render into a single repaint this.group.innerHTML = this.prerender; this.rendered = true; } } }); }))}(document, Math));
| ver. 1.4 |
| PHP 7.4.33 | Генерация страницы: 0.06 |